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Пособие по лингвокультурологическому анализу текста

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№ 3

Сравните английские и русские фразеологизмы с зоонимами, обращая внимание на совпадение или различие образов животных

1. “As busy as a bee”

«Трудиться как пчела»

2. “to look like the cat that swallowed the canary”

«Как кот, объевшийся сметаны»

3. “to buy a pig in the poke”

«Купить кота в мешке»

4. “Dog does not eat dog”

«Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет»

5. “As cunning as a fox”

«Хитрый как лиса»

6. “To have the wolf in the stomach”

«Быть голодным как волк»

7. “To shoe the goose”

«Считать ворон»

8. “Pigs might fly”

«Бывает и коровы летают»

9. “As stubborn as a mule”

«Упрямый как осел»

10. “Lion’s share”

«Львиная доля»

11. “When the fox preaches, take care of your geese”

«Лиса и во сне к”р считает»

12. “A willing horse

«Рабочая лошадка»

13. “to eat like a horse”

«Есть как лошадь»

14. “A dirty dog”

«Подлец, “свинья”»

Практические задания по лингвокультурологическому анализу текста

Проведите лингвокультурологический анализ нижеприведенных текстов.

Задание № 1

The Great Spirit is in all things; he is in the air we breathe. The great Spirit is our Father, but the earth is our Mother. She nourishes us; that which we put into the ground she returns to us.

The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air. That is why you notice the hawk knows how to get his prey. The Indian is like that. The hawk swoops down on his prey; so does the Indian. In his lament he is like an animal. For instance, the coyote is sly; so is the Indian. The eagle is the same. That is why the Indian is always feathered up; he is a relative to the wings of the air.

You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. The sky is round. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where the Power moves.

(Текст взят из учебника Т.А. Казаковой «Практические основы перевода»)

1) Что вы знаете о мифологии индейцев? Какое символическое значение несет образ the Great Spirit?

2) Чем является в тексте словосочетание “the wings of the air”? Как можно передать смысл словосочетания на русском языке? Объясните разницу в образах с точки зрения лингвокультурологии?

3) Объясните символическое значение зоонимов, встречающихся в тексте?

4) Объясните значение образа the Power of the World.

5) С чем связан многочисленный повтор слова “circle”? Чем является слово “circle” в тексте?

6) Докажите, что явления природы воспринимаются в тексте как одушевленные существа.

Задание № 2

“Dreaming.” She took up two of the photographs. “Look here upon this picture, and on this.”

One was of Michael as Mercutio in all the radiant beauty of his youth and the other of Michael in the last part he had played, in a white topper and a morning coat, with a pair of field-glasses slung over his shoulder. He looked unbelievably self-satisfied.

Evie sniffed.

“Oh, well, it's no good crying over spilt milk.”

“I've been thinking of the past and I'm as blue as the devil.”

“I don't wonder. When you start thinking of the past it means you ain't got no future, don't it?”
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