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Captains All and Others

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“I struggle against it, Brother,” said Mr. Burge, passing his cup up for some more tea. “I fight against it hard, but once the Evil One was almost too much for me; and in spite of myself, and knowing besides that it was a plot of ‘is, I nearly felt uplifted.”

Brother Higgs, passing him some more beef, pressed for details.

“He sent me two policemen,” replied the other, scowling darkly at the meanness of the trick. “One I might ‘ave stood, but two come to being pretty near too much for me. They sat under me while I gave ‘em the Word ‘ot and strong, and the feeling I had standing up there and telling policemen what they ought to do I shall never forget.”

“But why should policemen make you proud?” asked his puzzled listener.

Mr. Burge looked puzzled in his turn. “Why, hasn’t Brother Clark told you about me?” he inquired.

Mr. Higgs shook his head. “He sort of—suggested that—that you had been a little bit wild before you came to us,” he murmured apologetically.

“A—little—bit—wild?” repeated Brother Burge, in horrified accents. “ME? a little bit wild?”

“No doubt he exaggerated a little,” said the jeweller hurriedly. “Being such a good man himself, no doubt things would seem wild to him that wouldn’t to us—to me, I mean.”

“A little bit wild,” said his visitor again. “Sam Burge, the Converted Burglar, a little bit wild. Well, well!”

“Converted what?” shouted the jeweller, half-rising from his chair.

“Burglar,” said the other shortly. “Why, I should think I know more about the inside o’ gaols than anybody in England; I’ve pretty near killed three policemen, besides breaking a gent’s leg and throwing a footman out of window, and then Brother Clark goes and says I’ve been a little bit wild. I wonder what he would ‘ave?”

“But you—you’ve quite reformed now?” said the jeweller, resuming his seat and making a great effort to hide his consternation.

“I ‘ope so,” said Mr. Burge, with alarming humility; “but it’s an uncertain world, and far be it from me to boast. That’s why I’ve come here.”

Mr. Higgs, only half-comprehending, sat back gasping.

“If I can stand this,” pursued Brother Burge, gesticulating wildly in the direction of the shop, “if I can stand being here with all these ‘ere pretty little things to be ‘ad for the trouble of picking of ‘em up, I can stand anything. Tempt me, I says to Brother Clark. Put me in the way o’ temptation, I says. Let me see whether the Evil One or me is the strongest; let me ‘ave a good old up and down with the Powers o’ Darkness, and see who wins.”

Mr. Higgs, gripping the edge of the table with both hands, gazed at this new Michael in speechless consternation.

“I think I see his face now,” said Brother Burge, with tender enthusiasm. “All in a glow it was, and he patted me on the shoulder and says, ‘I’ll send you on a week’s mission to Duncombe,’ he says, and ‘you shall stop with Brother Higgs who ‘as a shop full o’ cunning wrought vanities in silver and gold.’”

“But suppose,” said the jeweller, finding his voice by a great effort, “suppose victory is not given unto you.”

“It won’t make any difference,” replied his visitor. “Brother Clark promised that it shouldn’t. ‘If you fall, Brother,’ he says, ‘we’ll help you up again. When you are tired of sin come back to us—there’s always a welcome.’”

“But—” began the dismayed jeweller.

“We can only do our best,” said Brother Burge, “the rest we must leave. I ‘ave girded my loins for the fray, and taken much spiritual sustenance on the way down from this little hymn-book.”

Mr. Higgs paid no heed. He sat marvelling over the fatuousness of Brother Clark and trying to think of ways and means out of the dilemma into which that gentleman’s perverted enthusiasm had placed him. He wondered whether it would be possible to induce Brother Burge to sleep elsewhere by offering to bear his hotel expenses, and at last, after some hesitation, broached the subject.

“What!” exclaimed the other, pushing his plate from him and regarding him with great severity. “Go and sleep at a hotel? After Brother Clark has been and took all this trouble? Why, I wouldn’t think of doing such a thing.”

“Brother Clark has no right to expose you to such a trial,” said Mr. Higgs with great warmth.

“I wonder what he’d say if he ‘eard you,” remarked Mr. Burge sternly. “After his going and making all these arrangements, for you to try and go and upset ‘em. To ask me to shun the fight like a coward; to ask me to go and hide in the rear-ranks in a hotel with everything locked up, or a Coffer Pallis with nothing to steal.”

“I should sleep far more comfortably if I knew that you were not undergoing this tremendous strain,” said the unhappy Mr. Higgs, “and besides that, if you did give way, it would be a serious business for me —that’s what I want you to look at. I am afraid that if—if unhappily you did fall, I couldn’t prevent you.”

“I’m sure you couldn’t,” said the other cordially. “That’s the beauty of it; that’s when the Evil One’s whispers get louder and louder. Why, I could choke you between my finger and thumb. If unfortunately my fallen nature should be too strong for me, don’t interfere whatever you do. I mightn’t be myself.”

Mr. Higgs rose and faced him gasping.

“Not even—call for—the police—I suppose,” he jerked out.

“That would be interfering,” said Brother Burge coldly.

The jeweller tried to think. It was past eleven. The housekeeper had gone to spend the night with an ailing sister, and a furtive glance at Brother Burge’s small shifty eyes and fat unwholesome face was sufficient to deter him from leaving him alone with his property, while he went to ask the police to give an eye to his house for the night. Besides, it was more than probable that Mr. Burge would decline to allow such a proceeding. With a growing sense of his peril he resolved to try flattery.

“It was a great thing for the Brethren to secure a man like you,” he said.

“I never thought they’d ha’ done it,” said Mr. Burge frankly. “I’ve ‘ad all sorts trying to convert me; crying over me and praying over me. I remember the first dear good man that called me a lorst lamb. He didn’t say anything else for a month.”

“So upset,” hazarded the jeweller.

“I broke his jor, pore feller,” said Brother Burge, a sad but withal indulgent smile lighting up his face at the vagaries of his former career. “What time do you go to bed, Brother?”

“Any time,” said the other reluctantly. “I suppose you are tired with your journey?”

Mr. Burge assented, and rising from his chair yawned loudly and stretched himself. In the small room with his huge arms raised he looked colossal.

“I suppose,” said the jeweller, still seeking to re-assure himself, “I suppose dear Brother Clark felt pretty certain of you, else he wouldn’t have sent you here?”

“Brother Clark said ‘What is a jeweller’s shop compared with a ‘uman soul, a priceless ‘uman soul?’” replied Mr. Burge. “What is a few gew-gaws to decorate them that perish, and make them vain, when you come to consider the opportunity of such a trial, and the good it’ll do and the draw it’ll be—if I do win—and testify to the congregation to that effect? Why, there’s sermons for a lifetime in it.”

“So there is,” said the jeweller, trying to look cheerful. “You’ve got a good face, Brother Burge, and you’ll do a lot of good by your preaching. There is honesty written in every feature.”

Mr. Burge turned and surveyed himself in the small pier-glass. “Yes,” he said, somewhat discontentedly, “I don’t look enough like a burglar to suit some of ‘em.”

“Some people are hard to please,” said the other warmly.

Mr. Burge started and eyed him thoughtfully, and then as Mr. Higgs after some hesitation walked into the shop to turn the gas out, stood in the doorway watching him. A smothered sigh as he glanced round the shop bore witness to the state of his feelings.

The jeweller hesitated again in the parlour, and then handing Brother Burge his candle turned out the gas, and led the way slowly upstairs to the room which had been prepared for the honoured visitor. He shook hands at the door and bade him an effusive good-night, his voice trembling despite himself as he expressed a hope that Mr. Burge would sleep well. He added casually that he himself was a very light sleeper.

To-night sleep of any kind was impossible. He had given up the front room to his guest, and his own window looked out on an over-grown garden. He sat trying to read, with his ears alert for the slightest sound. Brother Burge seemed to be a long time undressing. For half an hour after he had retired he could hear him moving restlessly about his room.

Twelve o’clock struck from the tower of the parish church, and was followed almost directly by the tall clock standing in the hall down-stairs. Scarcely had the sounds died away than a low moaning from the next room caused the affrighted jeweller to start from his chair and place his ear against the wall. Two or three hollow groans came through the plaster, followed by ejaculations which showed clearly that Brother Burge was at that moment engaged in a terrified combat with the Powers of Darkness to decide whether he should, or should not, rifle his host’s shop. His hands clenched and his ear pressed close to the wall, the jeweller listened to a monologue which increased in interest with every word.

“I tell you I won’t,” said the voice in the next room with a groan, “I won’t. Get thee behind me—Get thee—No, and don’t shove me over to the door; if you can’t get behind me without doing that, stay where you are. Yes, I know it’s a fortune as well as what you do; but it ain’t mine.”

The listener caught his breath painfully.

“Diamond rings,” continued Brother Burge in a suffocating voice. “Stop it, I tell you. No, I won’t just go and look at ‘em.”

A series of groans which the jeweller noticed to his horror got weaker and weaker testified to the greatness of the temptation. He heard Brother Burge rise, and then a succession of panting snarls seemed to indicate a fierce bodily encounter.
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