2. Excellent, incomparable, inimitable, fine, rare, transcendent, matchless, perfect, first-rate, worthy of admiration.
Admiration, n. 1. [Rare.] Wonder, surprise, astonishment, amazement.
2. Liking, love, high regard, high opinion.
Admire, v. a. 1. [Rare.] Wonder at, be surprised at, be astonished or amazed at.
2. Like much, think highly of, have a high opinion of, prize or value highly.
Admire, v. n. [Rare.] Wonder, marvel, be surprised or astonished.
Admirer, n. Lover, gallant, suitor, sweetheart, beau, cicisbeo.
Admissible, a. Permissible, allowable, lawful, proper, justifiable, warrantable.
Admission, n. 1. Admittance, introduction, access, entrance, initiation, entrеe.
2. Allowance, avowal, concession, acknowledgment, assent.
Admit, v. a. 1. Receive, grant entrance to, let in, take in, open the door to.
2. Concede, accept, grant, acknowledge, own, confess, take for granted, agree to, accede to, acquiesce in.
3. Permit, allow, bear, admit of, be capable of.
Admit of, Admit, permit, allow, bear, be capable of.
Admittance, n. 1. Admission, introduction, entrеe.
2. Access, means of approach, liberty to approach.
Admixture, n. 1. Mixture.
2. Spice, dash, infusion, sprinkling, touch, seasoning, smack, taste, tincture, tinge.
Admonish, v. a. 1. Reprove (gently), censure, warn of a fault.
2. Advise, counsel, caution, forewarn, enjoin.
3. Instruct, inform, teach, apprise, acquaint, notify, make acquainted, make aware.
Admonition, n. 1. Hint of a fault, gentle reproof.
2. Advice, counsel, caution, warning, monition.
Admonitory, a. Admonishing, monitory.
Ado, n. 1. Trouble, difficulty, labor, pains.
2. Bustle, stir, flurry, fuss, noise, tumult, turmoil, pother, confusion, commotion, to-do.
Adolescence, n. Youth, juvenility, minority, juniority, nonage, teens, prime of life, flower of life, bloom of life.
Adolescent, a. Youthful, juvenile, young.
Adopt, v. a. 1. Appropriate, take to one's self, take or select as one's own.
2. Approve, espouse, support, maintain.
3. Affiliate, father, treat as one's own child.
Adoption, n. 1. Appropriation.
2. Approval, espousal, support, maintenance.
3. Affiliation, adopting, fathering.
Adorable, a. 1. Divine, to be adored, worthy of adoration.
2. Estimable, venerable, worthy of love or honor.
Adoration, n. 1. Worship, devotion.
2. Homage, reverence, veneration.
Adore, v. a. 1. Worship.
2. Revere, venerate, idolize, honor, pay homage to.
Adorer, n. 1. Worshipper.
2. Idolater, great admirer.
Adorn, v. a. Embellish, decorate, beautify, ornament, deck, bedeck, emblazon, gild, trim, grace, crown, varnish, array, set out, set off, trick out.
Adroit, a. Dexterous, expert, skilful, apt, handy, ready, quick, clever, able, masterly.
Adscititious, a. Additional, supplemental, supplementary, superadded.
Adulation, n. Flattery, flummery, excessive praise, extravagant compliment.
Adulatory, a. Flattering, smooth, oily, full of compliments, servile in compliment.
Adult, a. Mature, grown up, full grown, of age, of mature age.
Adult, n. Person of mature age, grown up person.
Adulterate, v. a. Debase, corrupt, vitiate, sophisticate, alloy, dash, deteriorate, make impure.