Acuminated, a. (Bot.) Sharp, acute, pointed, cuspidate, cuspidated.
Acute, a. 1. Sharp, pointed, acuminated, cuspidated.
2. Keen, shrewd, discerning, knowing, quick, sharp, smart, bright, sage, sapient, sagacious, intelligent, astute, ingenious, subtle, penetrating, piercing, clear-sighted, sharp-witted, long-headed, up to snuff.
3. Severe, violent, intense, poignant, exquisite, pungent.
4. High, shrill, high-toned.
Acuteness, n. 1. Sharpness.
2. Acumen, shrewdness, penetration, sagacity, sagaciousness, astuteness, sharpness, brightness, perspicacity, discernment, ingenuity, mother-wit, quick parts.
3. Severity, intensity, poignancy, violence.
4. Highness, shrillness.
Adage, n. Proverb, saying, saw, dictum, aphorism, apothegm, maxim, by-word, sententious precept.
Adamant, n. Diamond, crystallized carbon.
Adamantean, a. Adamantine, hard as adamant, very hard.
Adamantine, a. 1. Made of adamant.
2. Adamantean, very hard, hard as adamant.
Adam's-needle, n. Yucca, bear-grass, Spanish bayonet.
Adapt, v. a. Adjust, accommodate, suit, proportion, qualify, prepare, fit, temper, fashion, match, make, conform, make conformable or suitable.
Adaptability, n. Adaptableness, suitableness, adaptation.
Adaptation, n. Fitness, suitableness, appropriateness, aptness, adaptability, accommodation, harmony.
Add, v. a. 1. Join, subjoin, annex, affix, append, superadd, tag, tack.
2. Sum, sum up, cast up, add together.
Add to. Increase, augment, make greater.
Addendum, n. Addition, appendix, appendage, adjunct, appurtenance, attachment.
Addict, v. a. Accustom (commonly in a bad sense), habituate, dedicate, devote, apply (habitually), give, give up.
Addiction, n. [Rare.] Addictedness.
Addition, n. 1. Adding.
2. Accession, increase, augmentation, enlargement, extension.
3. Appendage, adjunct, appendix, addendum.
Additional, a. Superadded, adscititious, supplemental, supplementary, extra, more.
Additive, a. To be added.
Addle, a. 1. Putrid, corrupt, spoiled (as eggs).
2. Barren, unfruitful, fruitless, abortive, unproductive, unprolific, unfertile, sterile, infecund, addled.
Addled, a. Addle.
Addle-head, n. Simpleton, fool, dunce.
Addle-headed, a. Foolish, stupid, dull, doltish, brainless, shallow, soft, sappy, witless, blockish, weak-headed, weak-minded, feeble-minded, half-witted, short-witted, shallow-brained, dull-witted, thick-skulled, addle-pated.
Addle-pated, a. Addle-headed.
Address, n. 1. Appeal, invocation, petition, entreaty, request, imploration, application, solicitation, suit.
2. Discourse, speech, oration, harangue.
3. Skill, art, adroitness, readiness, dexterity, expertness, cleverness, ingenuity, ability, tact, gumption.
4. Superscription, direction.
5. Manner (in speaking to another).
Addresses, n. pl. Courtship, suit.
Address one's self to, Direct one's speech or discourse to, speak to.
Adduce, v. a. 1. Advance, ofter, present, allege, assign, give, bring forward.
2. Name, cite, quote, introduce.
Adept, n. Master, proficient, genius, doctor, veteran, expert, dab, dabster, good hand, master hand, capital hand, nice hand.
Adept, a. Skilled, versed, experienced, practised, proficient, good, at home, au fait.
Adequacy, n. Sufficiency, competence, competency, enough, adequateness.
Adequate, a. Sufficient, commensurate, proportionate, correspondent, equal, suitable, fit, competent, adapted.
Adequateness, n. Adequacy.
Adhere, v. n. 1. Stick, cling, cleave, hold, cohere, take hold, be firmly fixed.