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Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I.

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Aforethought, a. Premeditated, prepense.

A fortiori, [L.] With stronger reason, for a still stronger reason.

Afraid, a. Fearful, haunted with fear.

Afresh, ad. Anew, newly, again, over again, de novo.

Aft, ad. (Naut.) Abaft, astern, behind, back, rearward, in the rear.

After, prep. 1. Subsequent to, later than.

2. Following, behind.

3. About, in relation to.

4. In imitation of.

After, ad. Afterward.

After, a. 1. Succeeding, subsequent, following, later.

2. Hind, hinder, posterior, rear, back.

After-ages, Posterity, descendants, succeeding times, succeeding generations.

After all, Eventually, ultimately, upon the whole, when all has been considered, at last, in the end.

After-birth, n. Secundines, placenta.

After-math, n. Rowen, eddish.

Aftermost, a. Hindmost.

Afterpiece, n. Farce, low comedy.

After-thought, n. After-wit.

Afterward, ad. Subsequently, after, later, thereafter, in the sequel.

Afterwards, ad. Subsequently, after, later, thereafter, in the sequel.

After-wit, n. After-thought.

Again, ad. Afresh, anew, once more, another time, de novo.

Again and again, Repeatedly, often, frequently, over and over, with frequent repetitions.

Against, prep. 1. Opposed to, in opposition to, contrary to, adverse to.

2. Facing, fronting, off, opposite to, over against.

3. In provision for, in expectation of, in preparation for, in anticipation of.

Against the grain, 1. Against the fibres (of wood).

2. Against the natural disposition, against one's inclination.

Agalloch, n. Lign-aloes, aloes wood.

Agallochum, n. Lign-aloes, aloes wood.

Agap?, n. pl. [L.] Love-feasts.

Agape, ad. Wondering, gazing eagerly, staring with open mouth.

Agaric, n. 1. Mushroom.

2. Touchwood, spunk, punk.

Age, n. 1. Duration of existence.

2. Period, date, epoch, time.

3. Century, a hundred years.

4. Old age, decline of life, vale of years.

5. Maturity, mature years, years of discretion.

Aged, a. 1. Old, elderly, stricken in years, advanced in life, with one foot in the grave.

2. Having lived, of the age of.

Agency, n. 1. Intervention, instrumentality, mediation, action, operation, force, influence, procurement.

2. Charge, direction, management, superintendence, supervision.

Agent, n. 1. Actor, doer, operator, performer, executor.

2. Deputy, attorney, factor, representative, substitute, proxy, go-between, procurator, middleman, commissioner, vicegerent.

3. Hand, employе.

Agglomerate, v. a. Gather in a ball or mass, gather together, lump together, heap up, pile up.

Agglomeration, n. Conglomeration, accumulation, lump, heap, pile, mass, aggregation.

Agglutinate, v. a. Unite, glue, cement, conglutinate.
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