Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть IX. Разговорные фразы.
Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз – практическое руководство по соответствующим выражениям, ярким сравнениям, литературным, коммерческим, разговорным и ораторским терминам для украшения речи и письма, а также расширения словарного запаса тех, кто читает, пишет и говорит по-английски. Пособие включает одиннадцать частей, которые составляют одиннадцать томов. Часть I. Употребительные фразы. Часть II. Значимые фразы. Часть III. Удачные фразы. Часть IV. Выразительные фразы. Часть V. Предложные фразы. Часть VI. Деловые фразы. Часть VII. Литературные выражения. Часть VIII. Яркие сравнения. Часть IX. Разговорные фразы. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений. Часть XI. Прочие фразы.
Виктор Никитин
Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть IX. Разговорные фразы.
A most extraordinary idea!
A thousand hopes for your success
Accept my best wishes
All that is conjecture
Allow me to congratulate you
An unfortunate comparison, don't you think?
And even if it were so?
And how am I to thank you?
And in the end, what are you going to make of it?
And yet the explanation does not wholly satisfy me
Apparently I was wrong
Are we wandering from the point?
Are you a trifle—bored?
Are you fully reconciled?
Are you not complicating the question?
Are you prepared to go to that length?
Are you still obdurate? [obdurate = Hardened in wrongdoing; stubbornly impenitent]
As it happens, your conjecture is right
Assuredly I do
At first blush it may seem fantastic
Banish such thoughts
But are you not taking a slightly one-sided point of view?
But consider for a moment
But I look at the practical side
But I wander from my point
But now I'll confide something to you
But perhaps I'm hardly fair when I say that
But seriously speaking, what is the use of it?
But surely that is inconsistent
But that's a tremendous hazard
But the thing is simply impossible
But there's one thing you haven't said
But, wait, you haven't heard the end
But what do you yourself think about it?
But who could foresee what was going to happen?
But you are open to persuasion?
But you do not know for certain
But you must tell me more
By a curious chance, I know it very well
By no means desirable, I think
Can I persuade you?
Can you imagine anything so horrible?
Certain circumstances make it undesirable