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Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть IX. Разговорные фразы.

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He feels it acutely

He has a queer conception of the proprieties

He is a poor dissembler [dissemble = conceal behind a false appearance]

He is anything but obtuse

He is so ludicrously wrong

He is the most guileless of men

He was so extremely susceptible

He writes uncommonly clever letters

Heaven forbid that I should wound your sensibility

His sense of humor is unquenchable

How amiable you are to say so

How can I tell you how much I have enjoyed it all?

How can I thank you?

How can you be so unjust?

How delightful to meet you

How does the idea appeal to you?

How droll you are!

How extraordinary!

How intensely interesting!

How perfectly delightful!

How utterly abominable

How very agreeable this is!

How very interesting

How very surprising

How well you do it!

However, I should like to hear your views

Human nature interests me very much indeed


I admire your foresight

I admit it most gratefully

I agree—at least, I suppose I do

I agree that something ought to be done

I always welcome criticism so long as it is sincere

I am absolutely bewildered

I am afraid I am not familiar enough with the subject

I am afraid I cannot suggest an alternative

I am afraid I've allowed you to tire yourself

I am afraid I must confess my ignorance

I am afraid you will call me a sentimentalist

I am always glad to do anything to please you

I am anxious to discharge the very onerous debt I owe you

I am appealing to your sense of humor

I am at your service

I am bound to secrecy

I am compelled to, unluckily

I am curious to learn what his motive was

I am deeply flattered and grateful

I am delighted to hear you say so

I am dumb with admiration

I am entirely at your disposal
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