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Redgauntlet: A Tale Of The Eighteenth Century

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LARES, household gods, the special divinities of a family.

LAP, leaped; fold.

LAVE, rest, remainder.

LAWING, inn reckoning.

LEAL, loyal, true.

LEASING-MAKING, lies, slander, seditious words.

LEASOWES, the estate of the poet Shenstone.

LEE-SIDE, the side of a vessel farthest from the point where the

wind blows.

LEESOME LANE, his dear self alone.

LEEVIN, living.

LEE WAY, arrears of work.

LEG, TO MAKE A, to bow.

LETTRES DE CACHET, sealed letters issued by the King of France,

conferring power over the liberty of others.

LEX AQUARUM, the law of the waters.

LIMMER, a loose woman, a jade.

LING, thin long grass, heather.

LOANING, a meadow, pasture where the cows were milked,

LOE, love.

LOON, fellow, rogue.

LOOPY, crafty.

LOUIS-D’OR, a French gold coin worth from 16s, 6d. to 18s. 9d.

LOUP, leap.

LOUP-THE-DYKE, giddy, runaway.

LOUP THE TETHER, breaking loose from restraint.


LUCKY, a name given to an elderly dame.

LUG, the ear.

LUM, chimney.

MACER, a court official.

MAILING, a small farm or rented property.

MAILS, rents.

MALVERSATION, fraudulent tricks.


MARCH, border.

MARE MAGNUM, the great sea.

MARIUS, a Roman general, leader in the civil war against Sulla.

MEAR, mare.

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN, the writing seen by Belshazzar

(Daniel V. 25).

MENYIE, retinue.

MERIDIAN, noon; a mid-day drink.

MERK, an old Scottish coin=1s. 1 1/2d. in English money.

MESSAN, a lap-dog, a little dog.

MICKLE, much.

MIFFED, piqued.

MILLAR, Philip Millar, author of several works on gardening.

MINOS, a law-giver of Crete, afterwards set as a judge in Hades.

MISHANTER, mischief.

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