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Redgauntlet: A Tale Of The Eighteenth Century

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HAMSHACKLE, to fasten.

HANK, a hold.

HAP, to hop, turn from.

HARPOCRATES, an Egyptian god, supposed by the Greeks to be the

god of silence.

HAUGH, holm, low-lying flat ground.

HAULD, place of abode.

HAVINGS, behaviour.

HEFTED, closed, as a knife in its haft.

HELLICAT, extravagant, light-headed.

HEMPEY, rogue.

HET, hot.

HEUCK, sickle.

HINC ILLAE LACRYMAE, hence these tears.

HINNY, honey, a term of endearment.

HIPPOGRIFF, a fabulous winged animal, half horse and half griffin.

HODDIN-GREY, cloth manufactured from undyed wool.

HOMOLOGATING, ratifying, approving.

HOOKS, OFF THE, light-headed.

HOSE-NET, a small net used for rivulet fishing.

HOW-COME-SO, light-headed.

HUMOURSOME, subject to moods.

HUSSEY, lady’s needle-case.

HYSON, green tea from China.

IGNIS FATUUS, will o’ the wisp.

ILK, each; of the same name, as Redgauntlet of that Ilk

=Redgauntlet of Redgauntlet.

ILL-DEEDIE, mischievous.

ILL-FAUR’D, ugly, ill-favoured.

IN CIVILIBUS or CRIMINALIBUS, in civil or criminal causes.

IN FORO CONSCIENTIAE, in the assize of conscience.

IN MEDITATIONE FUGAE, meditating flight.


INCEDIT SICUT LEO VORANS, goeth about like a roaring lion.

INCOGNITA, unknown.

INFRA DIG, beneath one’s dignity.

INSTANTER, at once.

INTROMIT, to medldle with.

INVITA MINERVA, against my bent.

JACK, a metal pitcher.

JAZY, wig.

JET D’EAU, jet of water.

JORUM, a drinking-vessel, or the liquor in it.

JOW, to toll.

JURIDICAL, pertaining to a judge or to the courts.

KATTERFELTO, a famous quack.

KEEK, to look.

KEFFEL, a bad horse.

LAIGH, low.

LAND-LOUPER, runagate, vagabond.

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