“If a country Х is a country of fools,
it is necessary to be done with the country Х”.
The Same One
(instead of Publisher’s word)
“There is no sense to publish books. Especially the good ones. Rulers don’t want moral renaissance. It’s easier to rule depraved and stupid flock. Clever and intelligent ones are able to reborn their country, which not what the world Backstage wants”.
The author: Vanilinkin specially for “PROJECT-EDEN”™
Publisher’s word
(instead of Introduction)
“All the wordsin this book are just fantastic”.
Publishing House “PROJECT-EDEN”™
Reader’s word
(no comment)
“There is no fabulousness at all”.
“This book is the remedy for mental moronity”.
(behold the truth)
Oleg Seriy
“World of Unicellular is your World and mine as well”.
Chapter 1.
“If Darwin said that humans are monkeys, consequently the humans are monkeys.
Or am I not right?”
Nibiru or Gerkolubus, or X Planet, or Planet of Gods mentioned in ancient texts of Anunaki, which means descended from heaven, was flying to us (that is to the Earth). Once ages ago Anunaki flew up by the great space ship-station of Gerkolubus (more known among unicellular as Nibiru or the X Planet) and populated the Earth with their own kind. Since that time once in some thousand years Anunaki arrive to us to inspect…
The matter is that Planet X orbit is elongated. That’s how it happens that it sometimes approaches and sometimes leaves. And that is the reasonto think about we are aliens indeed. Even more, the decelerating link in the human evolution was not found yet. And then, if you don’t see Gerkolubus, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
“Do you see the rabbit? No?!?
I do not also, but it is there”.
Demob and Rabbit
According to certain calculations it is already absolutely close. In general if calculations are true, in 2011 (whether will it be in the fifth month?) The Red Planet (that the great extrasensory individual Herbert Wells warned about in his book “The War of The Worlds”, which describes events of alien invasion (Anunaki Gods) to the Earth (that is about to happen), and also the great foreteller Ursula Le Guin in “Rocannon’s World” and many others). I was personally warned by Alan Rocan about it (deployment site is Rocannon – Amalgava 76) what I declared in “The Salvation Book…”
“Good science fiction writers are always extrasensory individuals”.
Buddha from the lane
In general, Nibiru Planet, so called Gerkolubus according to this great theory (and practice) would be supposedly seen even with unaided eye already in the middle of 2011, it may be observed without telescope, unlike how it is observed today (in 2010). And on the 21st of December, 2012 Nibiru will come close to the Earth and will begin to shine on the sky like bright red star, as the second Sun.
“That will be the time, when in Mon’s canyons, the saints people will be hiddenin bears’ houses, in country of Kham the two Suns will raise and in China suddenly the King will die…”
But it will be after and now is the World of Unicellular. Let’s start from them, because they came to an end (have come – in the straight and figurative senses) of this “damned world” (slang of unicellular, even cannot be translated).
The point is that there is only one cell in the brain of unicellular (means only they), that’s why the unicellular even cannot imagine that some Gerkolubus can be, and even more so the Anunaki. And hadn’t imagined. But they were. And moreover they were flying to us.
“Do you see Anunaki? No?!?
Аnunaki (joking)
And I don’t see too. And it is”.
And rescue is on the same place”.
“Dear morons! A Doomsday is in your brains!!!
* * *
Symbols of the book:
(!) – attention: a new word.
(!!) – attention: a new word repeats, try to remember it.
(!!!) —attention: the new word repeats again, very strongly try to remember it.
Sp. – (for the reader) the new species of unicellular, wasn’t used in the book earlier.
Ph. – (for the reader) the new phylum of unicellular, wasn’t used in the book earlier