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The World of Unicellular. This Book is a Medicine from Moronity

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“The universe or, if you could be even more specific to say the microcosm of unicellular, was more than a little one. So, small and tiny that it successfully made room in this little book. In fact, it would fit on the palm to make a fistful of it – so this is the score of the author and he really fancies his imagination”.

The same author

“If you kill me, I’ll be even mightier.

If you do not kill me, I’ll be even mightier”.


The Divine Master of the Material Energy

On the Book presentation

“I will not fuss over people any more. I come right out with them – they’re morons”.

The citation from the author’s statement at “The Salvation Book…” presentation

in Western Ukraine Freemasonry Centre

Prior to reading this book, one should endeavor to understand the author’s view, announced at his first presentation within the 5th International Literary Festival and the 17th All-Ukrainian Publishers Forum on September, 18, 2010, that lasted from 16:30 till 18:00 in Lvov’s “The Most Expensive Galicia Restaurant”, known among Lvovites as “freemasons”. It was namely there, that the Author presented the First and Unique “The Salvation Book from the Doomsday 2012—2013”. The presentation was quite simply called “Have You Escaped from 2012 Doomsday Already?” One moment of significance is that people took a rather sceptical stand toward this subject, i.e. many of them took “the doomsday” as science fiction stuff entirely. It was enough to cast a glance at snaps in press releases and photo reviews of the happening to make sure of it. People were smiling and even laughing…

The happening guests stopped smiling right after the author called them absolute morons, just like that. Be it said, no one expected it… Some left the room right after these words, although there were some, who remained. More importantly, there were unexpected newly arrived ones. They were constantly coursing throughout the premises…

Oleg Seriy announced to his personal photographer (it must be said that Oleg Seriy was the only one among writers and personalities, giving a presentation within International Forum, who had a personal photographer): “Take pictures, please, of the whole auditorium! It is almost empty!!! People are not interested in spiritual growth; all they need is bread and circuses! Well, the majority is absolute morons… They don’t even care about salvation from death and doomsday, that has set in already… We’ll tell the entire world (and even the Universe!) the bare truth that people are morons. They are watching dull TV series that muddle their brains… That’s exactly what they do…”

Alas the moronic mankind did not make use of gnosis and even could not foresee the future (what would happen as a result of their thoughts and actions). Idiots! They even did not want to escape from the doomsday… and even did not believe in it. That it has already set in. Dolts!.. If honestly, Oleg Seriy also had been a moron, but then he stopped being the one. But this is an absolutly different story – the story of multicellular… It is another story so far…

It is important to say that there were non-morons in the hall as well. It is required to say, that only the ones, who set through from the beginning to the end – were non-morons. They understood the importance and significance of the moronity of the mankind. And they were listening attentively. They were asking no questions, save a couple of questions at the end…

You need to wait for the end of the world neither on 2012, nor on 2026, nor on the hell knows which year! The Doomsday has already set in. It’s just that for unicellular morons the doomsday is a norm. Hence they don’t notice and keep waiting for something.

Why people are morons? Because they don’t believe that the doomsday has already set in. Due to moronity of the mankind they have not noticed it, because around there is all carve-up, people are just bullshitting and nobody is doing anything, all around there is all jabbering and grifting. Next to nobody cares for spiritual grows… That is why. Oleg Seriy for 1.5 hours had been telling why people are morons. And they had been listening to him, and afterwards – applauding. He was explaining that there is a cure for moronity —his books, and the projects of the Enterprise and the Trademark of the same name “PROJECT-EDEN”. Take his site alone, which professes the principle and the system of Sovereignty of the People – POLITIKY.net, and the site for solving problems, overcoming crisis and for creating the National Intellectual Elites bez-problem.biz…

After the ending of event Oleg Seriy was applauded by all the audience. Yes, at that moment it was exactly 6 persons (that is how much is left at the end of presentation; only one among figures “666”) – but these people were conscious. Oleg Seriy believes that quality is more important than quantity. Exactly those people stayed, who had more chances for salvation from death and hell —they are much wiser unlike the people-morons, who do not see that the Doomsday has already begun and their spiritual level is in the complete ass.

Oleg Seriy (MaRiCaBo) stated that every (repeat – everyone!) person may become God (multicellular) because he is God in the potential (created by God’s image and resemblance). If the person does not develop his divine abilities, he becomes a moron (unicellular), created by image and resemblance of Stinker… As one goes this book which you are holding in hands now was presented…

It is important to understand that the Children (Indigo, Crystal and others) faster grasp the essence of salvation from the doomsday that has come!!! The time has come when children will teach their parents!!! Because only those who become similar to children will be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven —EDEN. “Of heaven means that there is no place for demons”, – says author. Also he showed a tongue to the rest of humanity. Besides, so did Einstein himself…

Oleg Seriy moved to the Forum – the main entrance. He presented his Salvation Book and there – in the very heart. People came, put questions. Many people… The most common question was: “Why the price of your book is exactly such one?” And the price was simple, as finger —666 hryvnas per unit. Everyone received the different answer. Depending on the level of their consciousness…

“I am a doctor. I rescue everyone from a Doomsday. There is a reaction on this book. There is a pulse…”

Author of anything, and of any what

I will say this: “I have no complaints to Jesus. He is a great guy, my best friend and brother. But I have a claim that you have done the evil business at his good name. And what the claims! And he as well also has them”.


(nevertheless the author will speak out)

“All human vermin and bit gladness is collected in this book.

All my anger is stopped up in her. Reading this book it is important to realize that

not all people are unicellular. And not all unicellular are people.

And even if you are unicellular, you can become multicellular”.


I thank all those, who met on my Way in this World of Unicellular. At first, thank God, that allowed me to be born; secondly, I thank the angelof light Lucifer for a revolt into Paradise, due to which all fallen angels (nefilims) appeared on the Earth; thirdly, I express gratitude to my mother in given earthly physical embodiment for signing the contract in the Heaven on my birth, and to the biological father for my conception.

Also there isa special gratitude to all those, who met on my Way and helped me. I remember each of you on the name you are in my “white” list.

And yet I offer Gratitude to everybody, who betrayed me, changed to me, put me, cheated and damned, dissembled and was on my way of Achievementof My Aims and Dreams. Exactly due to you, those, who are for me in “black” list, I became Beast and attained the Aims and Dreams.

“The name for him was Beast (666), and the essence of Him was

Legion (in Unity)”.


“Yes, I was really angry. And every day I worked for twenty hours a day, to Attain That, What I Want. And I can declare bravely today, looking on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, that I Attained It. I thank all again”.


“Because heroes usually appear in the days of difficulties, an antichrist will appear as such hero at the end of the time, and all the world will belong to him. He will resolve all problems and world difficulties, and all people will worship him as to God”.

His reverence Paul Ch. John

Volume 1. The world of unicellular

(Chronicling of people life)

“This year they haven’t planned a military parade in the capital. And the traditional night salute was not planned as well. No wonder– What for?!? One cannot imagine an independence day in a dependent country. The Sahara residents couldn’t observe the Penguin Day, could they? And AIDS patients won’t observe any such thing as the Day of Health”.

Svetlana Nedelka, Metro Correspondent

The Unicellular observed “independence days”. While their moronic (p) residents kept devising reelections, the Gerkolubus sped towards Earth (the unicellular nicknamed it as Nibiru or Planet Х); it was a planet and spaceship of Gods at the same time (or red planet). It was inhabited by my Brothers and Sisters Anunaki!.. In the past they used to arrive here and populate the planet (Earth) with their own kind. Their descendants were Egyptians, who later sunk into imbeciles (people).

I was just busy smoothing the way (PROJECT-EDEN) for their landing and preparing for my departure. Having put the Unicellular’ World in order I was going to take-off together with Gods, to broadcast to all Galaxies about the past events on Earth. It is me, MaRiCaBo, who is known to the Unicellular as God Hermes or Hermes Trismegistus, or Hermes the Thrice Great, or Messenger of Gods, or, in this case, Paraclete, or the Holy Spirit, or else the Spirit of Truth.

So, today, ahead of time, I have said goodbye to my mother in this earthly (material) world. I told her that I was about to go on board Gerkolubus and take off together with Anunakis (that is together with heavenly Gods, who had come down to earth), therefore, if I were off and left no message behind, I bade her not to worry.

Moreover, I decided to publish all my books before the Unicellular’ “doomsday” or “Last Judgment”, which I had described in my “The Salvation Book from the Doomsday 2012—2013”. Yes, I will take along all my booksto the Gods on Gerkolubus. We will include them into the Intergalactic Curriculum, while down on your Earth (certainly, after introducing proper order) we will set up the Golden Age, for you to survive a Millennium. Outside it was 2010 and 12:05 by my watch. I will remember this day as August 23, 2010. And what about you?!?

Today I was proclaimed a man. I felt as if they threw a slop-pail on me. How many times have I to repeat you, that I am not man?!? I simply am inside a man.
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