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Fruits of Culture

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TÁNYA. It's a little secret, Leoníd Fyódoritch; let me tell it you alone.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. What is it? Theodore, leave us for a minute.

Exit Theodore Ivánitch.

TÁNYA. As I have grown up and lived in your house, Leoníd Fyódoritch, and as I am very grateful to you for everything, I shall open my heart to you as to a father. Simon, who is living in your house, wants to marry me.


TÁNYA. I open my heart to you as to a father! I have no one to advise me, being an orphan.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Well, and why not? He seems a nice lad.

TÁNYA. Yes, that's true. He would be all right; there is only one thing I have my doubts about. It's something about him that I have noticed and can't make out … perhaps it is something bad.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. What is it? Does he drink?

TÁNYA. God forbid! But since I know that there is such a thing as spiritalism …

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Ah, you know that?

TÁNYA. Of course! I understand it very well. Some, of course, through ignorance, don't understand it.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Well, what then?

TÁNYA. I am very much afraid for Simon. It does happen to him.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. What happens to him?

TÁNYA. Something of a kind like spiritalism. You ask any of the servants. As soon as he gets drowsy at the table, the table begins to tremble, and creak like that: tuke, … tuke! All the servants have heard it.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Why, it's the very thing I was saying to Sergéy Ivánitch this morning! Yes?..

TÁNYA. Or else … when was it?.. Oh yes, last Wednesday. We sat down to dinner, and the spoon just jumps into his hand of itself!

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Ah, that is interesting! Jumps into his hand? When he was drowsing?

TÁNYA. That I didn't notice. I think he was, though.


TÁNYA. And that's what I'm afraid of, and what I wanted to ask you about. May not some harm come of it? To live one's life together, and him having such a thing in him!

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH [smiling] No, you need not be afraid, there is nothing bad in that. It only proves him to be a medium– simply a medium. I knew him to be a medium before this.

TÁNYA. So that's what it is! And I was afraid!

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. No, there's nothing to be afraid of. [Aside]. That's capital! Kaptchítch can't come, so we will test him to-night… [To Tánya] No, my dear, don't be afraid, he will be a good husband and … that is only a kind of special power, and every one has it, only in some it is weaker and in others stronger.

TÁNYA. Thank you, sir. Now I shan't think any more about it; but I was so frightened… What a thing it is, our want of education!

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. No, no, don't be frightened… Theodore!

Enter Theodore Ivánitch.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. I am going out now. Get everything ready for to-night's séance.

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. But Mr. Kaptchítch is not coming.

LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. That does not matter. [Puts on overcoat] We shall have a trial séance with our own medium. [Exit. Theodore Ivánitch goes out with him].

TÁNYA [alone] He believes it! He believes it! [Shrieks and jumps with joy] He really believes it! Isn't it wonderful! [Shrieks] Now I'll do it, if only Simon has pluck for it!

Theodore Ivánitch returns.

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. Well, have you told him your secret?

TÁNYA. I'll tell you too, only later on… But I have a favour to ask of you too, Theodore Ivánitch.


TÁNYA [shyly] You have been a second father to me, and I will open my heart before you as before God.

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. Don't beat about the bush, but come straight to the point.

TÁNYA. The point is … well, the point is, that Simon wants to marry me.

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. Is that it? I thought I noticed …

TÁNYA. Well, why should I hide it? I am an orphan, and you know yourself how matters are in these town establishments. Every one comes bothering; there's that Gregory Miháylitch, for instance, he gives me no peace. And also that other one … you know. They think I have no soul, and am only here for their amusement.

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. Good girl, that's right! Well, what then?

TÁNYA. Well, Simon wrote to his father; and he, his father, sees me to-day, and says: “He's spoilt” – he means his son. Theodore Ivánitch [bows], take the place of a father to me, speak to the old man, – to Simon's father! I could take them into the kitchen, and you might come in and speak to the old man!

THEODORE IVÁNITCH [smiling] Then I am to turn match-maker – am I? Well, I can do that.

TÁNYA. Theodore Ivánitch, dearest, be a father to me, and I'll pray for you all my life long.

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. All right, all right, I'll come later on. Haven't I promised? [Takes up newspaper].

TÁNYA. You are a second father to me!

THEODORE IVÁNITCH. All right, all right.

TÁNYA. Then I'll rely on you. [Exit].

THEODORE IVÁNITCH [alone, shaking his head] A good affectionate girl. To think that so many like her perish! Get but once into trouble and she'll go from hand to hand until she sinks into the mire, and can never be found again! There was that dear little Nataly. She, too, was a good girl, reared and cared for by a mother. [Takes up paper] Well, let's see what tricks Ferdinand is up to in Bulgaria.

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