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Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963

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On looking into the matter further, it would suit me better to prolong our jaunt for another 48 hours, i.e. for me to cross on Monday 14th September instead of Saturday 12th. The Sunday train service on the English side is practically useless–one train, and no restaurant car. Will 14th suit you?




Magdalen College



Dear Mr Kinter

I think Ransom is a figura Christi

(#ulink_0d5715e7-d299-57ef-a31c-0ea5cf56feda) only in the same sense (‘only’-my hat!) in wh. every Christian is or should be. But the bus-driver in the Divorce is certainly, and consciously, modelled on the angel at the gates of Dis,

(#ulink_1b2aeaac-8e89-5af9-8a5b-5018172995bb) just as the meeting of the ‘Tragedian’ with his wife is consciously modelled on that of Dante & Beatrice at the end of the Purgatorio:

(#ulink_14352e2c-1b20-532c-a077-1da94dde2b87) i.e. it is the same predicament, only going wrong. I intended readers to spot these resemblances: so you may go to the top of the class!

‘By the Furioso

(#ulink_ef12c260-73f7-5443-aa34-4e743c23a37f) out of the Commedia’ is not far wrong. My real model was David Lyndsay’s Voyage to Arcturus wh. first suggested to me that the form of ‘science fiction’ cd. be filled by spiritual experiences.

(#ulink_53b93e63-e559-5254-a905-33e6f29780b2) And as the Furioso was in some ways the science-fiction of its age, your analogy works. But mind you, there is already a science-fiction element in the Commedia: e.g. Inferno xxxiv 85-114.

It’s fun laying out all my books as a cathedral. Personally I’d make Miracles and the other ‘treatises’ the cathedral school: my children’s stories are the real side-chapels, each with its own little altar.

No, I never read Perceforest.

(#ulink_cd059a26-b9fa-5cf9-9b1a-a306db254bd2) The only O.R

(#ulink_50d15427-1124-5e51-ac40-1cd43a8dca8a) prose romance I’ve read is Balain.

(#ulink_729a21b5-4eb9-51c9-a8cb-086f1ae7339d) How lovely, how like water–or Grace–that limpid O.E prose is. Damn the Renaissance.

I return cordially your wishes for a blessed Easter.


C. S. Lewis



Magdalen College



Dear Gilfedder

(I wish you’d call me Lewis not Sir) Thanks both for card of Florence and for your letter of the 15th.

I think a glossarial Index (I call it that because your specimens are partly index as well as glossary) wd. be a most useful addition to C.W.’s cycle.

(#ulink_b5849551-8bdb-514c-bba7-769752e8a8b2) But the chances of the O.U.P. ever re-printing Taliessin, let alone adding any matter to the volume, are infinitesimal. They wd. only do that if it showed signs of becoming a popular success: which of course it doesn’t.

I am glad you are settled down and hope you are enjoying your work. Please remember me to your wife; all good wishes to both for a happy Easter.


C. S. Lewis


Magdalen College



Dear Mrs. Shelburne

I’ve no time for a proper letter today but this is just a scrape of the pen to thank you for yours of the 27th and to wish you a v. blessed Easter. I expect Jeannie will grow up the most devoted grand-daughter ever. Your silly son-in-law doesn’t realise the charm of forbidden fruit: a grandmother one is forbidden to see rises almost into the status of a fairy godmother!

Apropos of horrid little fat baby ‘cherubs’, did I mention that Heb. Kherub is from the same root as Gryphon? That shows what they’re really like!


C. S. Lewis




Dear Sister Penelope

I am simply delighted with The Coming of the Lord;

(#ulink_d41f25b1-f11d-5554-9503-960c519a621c) delighted, excited, and most grateful. I think it is the best book you have yet done, and the best theological book by anyone I have read for a long time. (You are, among other things, the only person I ever meet who gives me real light on the Old Testament). Chap VIII now convinces me completely.
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