My dear Bles,
This is awkward. I am struggling along at present with sinusitis and the kind of ‘walking’ ‘flu by dint of getting up late and going to bed early and doing as little as I possibly can.
A day in London, even tho’ soothed by your Apician* (#ulink_3846fd21-e128-5e1a-8874-acc54f0931b5)*
(#ulink_4304626b-32e4-5e62-b049-c071f98e1d72)hospitality, would knock me up. How long can you afford to wait without serious inconvenience? Or would it be safe to send them by registered post. Sorry to be a nuisance, but I’m the ghost of a man at present. And thanks, and love to both,
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College
Dear Mr. Gardamole
Thank you for your most interesting letter. Your explanation produced–I was going to say ‘complete conviction’, but as you rightly say, one can never be certain that any interpretation of an image in C.W. is complete. But I shall be v. surprised if the Druidical sacrifice is not the master key. I now think I was rather stupid not to have seen it before. My copy of Taliessin is out of the house and I am in College to the end of the week, so I can’t look up any of the passages, and therefore can’t help about the worshipped Duke. Could it be Aeneas? With many thanks.
Yours sincerely
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College,
There are few names I wd. so regret having mangled!
(#ulink_6c6cebbb-62e8-52fa-8234-a066f2d55e43) But when a man rides (or writes) with his beaver down-! C.S.L.
On 16 March Warnie wrote to Arthur Greeves:
Magdalen College, Oxford. 16th March 1953.
My dear Arthur,
What between sinus and examinations, poor Jack is sunk fathoms deep this morning. However, we talked over your letter of the 11th last night, and he has asked me to ask you whether Saturday 29th August to Saturday 12th September would suit you for the jaunt: to which he is very eagerly looking forward. These dates are tentative, so if you don’t like them, please say so. But let us know as soon as possible, as it is part of a ‘master plan and we have all kinds of other things to make fit in with it.
Incidentally, if the dates suit, I hope to be with J. at Craw-fordsburn for a few days before you and he set out, and am looking forward to more than one meeting with you. I daresay amongst other things, we may be having a supper with our Jane,
(#ulink_e900bb28-79c3-5fa6-b0d4-513187fb69d1) and a drive home across the Holywood hills.
Love to Lily, Janie, and any others of my old friends you meet; and kindest regards to those good Samaritans, your neighbours and relations, who gave us drinks that Sunday morning.
Can you forsee any end to this winter?
Yours ever,
Magdalen College,
My dear Bles
I don’t feel as you do about the alteration of it and he, but I will be guided by your advice.
(#ulink_d666b976-71b6-51ba-b7e3-8783014edbee) That is, I will try to normalise on he throughout (tho’ a few it’s are sure to slip through by infirmity). Don’t blame me if this means heavier corrections than usual!
I see I must write a treatise on the aesthetics of gender!
I’m a bit better, thanks. At least, the smell is.
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College
Mart, xvii MCMLIII
Dilectissime Pater