48-year-old man, Almaty city. Diabetes mellitus. The blood sugar level was 27. While taking the drugs according to «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1), the blood sugar level was 7, and after 4 months of taking «Fohow» products it dropped to 4.7. At first the man had «Detoxification» program, then «Resuscitation» program, and then switched to «Recovery» program. The result is amazing!
50-year-old woman, Petropavlovsk city. Liver disease, not definitively diagnosed. She has been taking products for several months. She took «Gaoqian» pills from the first month. Pains appeared in the navel area. She did the tests: in the feces, latent blood is a peptic ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract.Conclusions: It is not recommended to use «Gaoqian» pills for liver disease: they cleanse the blood very well and remove toxins that are processed into the liver, and from a diseased liver, intoxication goes back into the blood. Therefore, in case of liver disease, «Gaoqian» pills are not prescribed. You can start taking them after a few months, when liver function is recoverd. «Gaoqian» pills increase in volume, fill the ulcerative surface, the niche of the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause bleeding. Therefore, reception is contraindicated with ulcerative diseases. The woman developed a peptic ulcer. «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1) is assigned.
50-year-old man, Almaty city. Colon polyp is congenital disorder of mineral metabolism, deficiency of vitamins C, D and Ca, serious prognosis. In traditional medicine, surgery is indicated for such diseases. With a polyp of the large intestine, a man is recommended to be treated according to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2) and, as a result, complete recovery in a month.
52-year-old man, Almaty city. There are often traces of blood in the bowel movement. The large intestine was examined, nothing was found. Anamnesis: dad has varicose veins, namely a man has a likelihood of hemorrhoids in the anus. Treatment: 2 months according to the «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Additionally: the use of «Yang Sheng» energy cream is according to «Varicose veins» (section 1.3) and «Hemorrhoids» (section 1.2) programs. From the 3rd month – «Recovery» scheme. All symptoms are gone, the man feels great.
50-year-old man, Saratov city. He has been Hepatitis C Since 2001. Treatment is recommended: 1st month according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), from the 2nd month and throughout the year according to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme, excluding the use of «Gaoqian» pills.
Treatment according to the Scheme «Hepatitis C»
1st month (cell resuscitation)
1. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times (before meals).
2. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 2 ml every 2 hours 7 times a day.
3. «Liuwei» tea up to 2 liters per day, 1 glass every hour.
4. «Linchzhi» Capsules 1 capsule twice a day, two weeks later, 2 capsules twice a day.
5. «Haicao Gai» Capsules 1 capsule twice a day, two weeks later, 2 capsules twice a day.
6. «Fohow Meigui» 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (before meals).
7. Faradization thermal belts: wear a lumbar belt for 30 minutes – 1 hour 3 times a day; wear a neck belt around the neck for 30 minutes 3 times a day; the cervical belt at night on the calf muscles (from 1 to 3 hours the liver channel work).
8. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream according to «Hepatitis» program (from section 1.2):
Legs E 36 – E 36; RP 6 to RP 6; F3 – F3; VB 34 – VB 34.
Near the spine V 18 – V 18; V 20 – V 20.
9. «Qi Li» Drink 1 glass before breakfast.
10. «Garlic essence» Capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals.
2nd month (anti-inflammatory treatment)
Change dosage:
1. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day (before meals).
2. «Linchzhi» Capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day.
3. «Haicao Gai» Capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day.
4. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid at night with 1 ml, up to 3 ml (when the arterial blood pressure rises, cancel it).
5. «XueQingFu» Capsules 1 capsule (from 11 am to 1 pm).
3rd month – within a year (recovery)
Change dosage:
1. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml (at night).
2. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3–5 ml (in the morning).
3. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid 3–5 ml (in the afternoon, evening).
4. BEM at a frequency of 7–8 Hz, 2 weeks off, followed by a frequency of up to 10 Hz, 2 weeks off.
45-year-old woman, Almaty city. She took «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 2 packs and «Fohow Meigui». The woman began to have constipation with blood, could not go to the toilet for several days, the hemorrhoids worsened, began to swell, throws in a fever. And she refused to continue to accept the products. Conclusions: «Sanqing» Oral Liquid worked very well. The Oral Liquid powerfully cleared the gastrointestinal tract, and the fecal debris started. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid also worked well on the spine through which the urinary channel passes (pancreas, stomach), all this was in the acute stage, so the hemorrhoids made themselves felt. The woman has climacteric age – the endocrine channel reacted, it went malfunctioning, began to swell. It is recommended to undergo treatment according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1) in order to cleanse the blood, start regulation, and recover hormonal levels. From the 2nd month, it is recommended to switch to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» scheme for women (Appendix 2). It is good to take «AnShen» pills, 2 pills before dinner, to recover estrogen levels, regulate metabolic processes, digestion, normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels and recover the psyche. It is recommended to use «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to the programs «Menopause» (section 1.12) and «Hemorrhoids» (section 1.2). It is also recommended to take «Yao People's Bath Complex for Women» and ensure to work through the channels with Faradization thermal belts: stomach, pancreas, small intestine by the hour and the intestines will work great!
50-year-old woman, Almaty city. After taking capsules of «Garlic essence» severe heartburn, blistering rashes from the side of the foot to the knee appeared. Conclusions: From the side of the foot to the knee (stripes) there is a bile duct. Rashes and heartburn showed that the woman was stasis in the gallbladder. The garlic capsules cleared the bile ducts well, the outflow began, and the infection began to come out. Excellent result! It is recommended to continue taking garlic capsules, 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals, and undergo treatment according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1).
Woman, Moscow city. A woman has lipomas on her head, 4 removed operationally, 4 more remained. Question: Is BEM prescribed? Answer: Yes! Conclusion: Lipomas are gallbladder problems. BEM is indicated because one of its advantages is the restoration of the drainage system of all internal organs, including gallbladder. That is, doing quantum massage, all parasites and viruses are released from the cell and there is no stasis. It is very effective to apply «Yang Sheng» energy cream before the massage according to «Sclerosis of the cerebral vessels» program (section 1.3). During the massage, do a fixed impact on these points for 2–3 minutes. Treatment regime: Oral Liquids «Sanqing» and «Phoenix» 3 ml 3 times a day before meals. Capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 2–3 times a day before meals. «Garlic essence» Capsules 1 capsule 2–3 times a day after meals. You should drink «Liuwei» and «Boss» teas.
Q & A:
1. The reader's question: «I fell in love with «Gaoqian», I don’t drink other products. I am suffering from dizziness now.»
The author's question: «What about the gallbladder?»
The reader's answer: «Removed 10 year ago.»
The author's answer: «After surgery, a block on the bile duct, spasm vessels of the brain. Long-term cholestasis before surgery led to fibrotic changes in the liver and even to fatty hepatosis. «Gaoqian», like a sponge, absorbs toxins, waste products and leads them to the liver. Your liver is overloaded, unable to cope with detoxification. There is no gallbladder, but the bile ducts are in a liver, and therefore cerebrovascular spasms began. Shown «General health program» and BEM study points «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels», frequency no more than 15. BEM, it is better to do with the help of «Sanqing» Oral Liquid – it regulates circulation in the bile duct, liver, urinary, supports metabolism and improves cerebral circulation. And with tampons – detoxification of female organs, regulates hormonal levels, prevention of microcirculation disorders.
2. The reader's question: «What program do we work with acupuncture for polyps?»
The author's answer: «Polyps of the intestines, gallbladder with «Yang Sheng» energy cream, work in the morning «General Health Program» (section 1.14) + unpaired points VC12 and T4, and in the evening before bedtime GI4 – GI4, GI6 – GI6, TR5 – TR5, V13 – V13. It is not recommended to do a BEM massage of the abdomen for polyps, papilloma virus seeding, polyps will grow.»
3. The reader's question: «My gums often bleed and swell. After the start of treatment in the second – third month, the symptoms increased. Why?»
The author's answer: «This phenomenon of periodontal disease is a condition of the liver. Therefore, when we start drinking products in the second – third month, the load on the liver and gallbladder is intense, this manifests itself in the form of periodontal disease. First, we have to take «Fohow» products according to the scheme. Secondly, I recommend using the «Yang Sheng» energy cream to acupuncture to connect the «Hepatitis» program (section 1.2). And it is very good, when we brush our teeth, at the end a drop of «Yang Sheng» energy cream – to wipe the gums. It recovers gums very well. It will also help the older generation well. Along with aging, due to chronic periodontal disease, the lower jaw drops, and this can be seen in the facial muscles of the face, the face is aging. Rubbing the gums with cream will prevent periodontal disease and strengthen the muscles of the face. And, of course, I recommend BEM in the face as a treatment for periodontal disease and strengthening the muscles that hold the lower jaw and facial muscles, as well as facial rejuvenation. On the face with BEM, work in courses at a comfortable frequency of up to 7–8 Hz, 2 weeks off. Why overload the skin? This is the same organ, cleansing, detoxification, increased metabolism and blood circulation.»
1.3 Cardiovascular diseases
1. Disorder of mineral metabolism leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in their permeability and fragility.
2. Vascular spasm and impaired microcirculation occurs due to disorder of energy circulation through the endocrine channel (cervical insufficiency, the development of autoimmune processes of atherosclerosis).