Hands: MC6 – MC6; C7-C7; GI10 – GI10.
2. Hypotension
Neck: VB20 – VB20.
Shoulders: VB21 – VB21.
Sternum: VC20 – unpaired point.
Near the spine: V15 – V15 (interscapular region).
Hands: MC6 – MC6; TR5 – TR5.
3. Varicose veins
Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; F3 – F3.
Back: V20 – V20; V23 – V23.
4. Anemia
Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP 6.
Back: V20 – V20; V23- V23.
Abdomen: VC6 – unpaired point.
5. Coronary heart disease (CHD)
Hands: MC6 – MC6; TR5 – TR5; C7 – C7.
Legs: RP6 – RP6; R1 – R1.
Back: V15 – V15.
6. Vessels
Hands: MC 6 – MC 6; TR 5 – TR 5.
Back: V 15 – V 15.
7. Obliterating endarteritis (atherosclerosis)
Hands: GI4 – GI4; GI11 – GI11.
Legs: RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; F6 – F6; E36 – E36; V40 – V40; V60 – V60
(behind the foot, Achilles tendon).
Below the loin: V30 – V30.
Sacrum: V34 – V34.
8. Arrhythmia
Hands: MC6-MC6, TR5-TR5;
Legs: E36-E36, RP6-RP6, R1-R1;
Back: V15-V15.
9. Sclerosis of cerebral vessels
Neck: VB20-VB20, V10-V10;
Shoulders: VB21-VB21;
Legs: RP6-RP6, VB39-VB39;
Back: V23-V23, V20-V20.
10. Rheumatic heart disease
Legs: VB34-VB34, RP9-RP9 (under the knee, inside);
Hands: MC6-MC6, C7-C7;
Abdomen: VC9 (above the navel, below VC12).
11. Rheumatoid arthritis
Legs: E36-E36, RP9-RP9, VB34-VB34;
Spine: T14, T12.
Cardiovascular pathology
67-year-old woman, Almaty city. Hypertension. Diabetes. Polyarthritis. Overweight. Despite the fact that the woman began to take the following products: «Liuwei» tea + «Fohow Meigui», later adding «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, then «Sanqing» Oral Liquid for the night, still AP increased, constipation was noted for 3–4 days, aggravated polyarthritis, increased blood sugar, increased general weakness. In parallel, the woman was taking medication.
Conclusions: Even if you start drinking only tea and arterial blood pressure rises, it means that Cordyceps diagnosed you: «You have a catastrophe with blood vessels! It is necessary to start with cell resuscitation! «Never recommend to a patient with hypertension, and even more on the framework of diabetes mellitus, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid WITHOUT «Sanqing» Oral Liquid. If there is no financial opportunity to buy the entire range of products, then it is better to go through 10 days of detoxification (removal of toxins): «Liuwei» tea 2 liters a day + «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day (3 times a day, necessarily!). Taking «Sanqing» Oral Liquid in the morning when the morning channels are working: stomach, pancreas; taking at lunch when the channels of the heart and small intestine are working; in the evening, when the kidney channel works + regulation of tone in the vessels.
This woman has negative results due to the fact that the cordyceps diagnosed: vessels and blood are suffering! «Phoenix» Oral Liquid began to remove cholesterol from the cells, but the liver of a patient with hypertension due to drugs can no longer cope and all the cholesterol, toxins went back into the blood. Intoxication has grown with its own slags. Blood sugar, cholesterol and arterial blood pressure were increased. The channels that regulate metabolism (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and bladder) were not regulated. Polyarthritis aggravated (the place where these channels pass). Failure went to all systems of the body!
It is recommended to take according to Resuscitation scheme (Appendix 1) without fail: «Phoenix» Oral Liquid + «Sanqing» Oral Liquid from the first day. And also a compulsory intake of «Liuwei» tea, 1 glass every hour + wearing a neck belt for 1 hour 3–4 times a day. Some partners are afraid to wear a neck belt when arterial blood pressure rises; however, it perfectly normalizes blood sugar and arterial blood pressure.
68-year-old woman, Ust-Kamenogorsk city. Hypertension. Diabetes. There was stress. By the evening, the pressure rise 200/100, sugar up to 20! She took «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, «Liuwei» tea and put on a neck belt for the night (she insisted, although it is impossible to wear a neck belt at night, only during the day – but here is an emergency). In the morning everything returned to normal, especially arterial blood pressure and blood sugar. She AVOIDED STROKE!