The application of energy cream Yang Sheng along the meridians:
ENT (ear, nose and throat) diseases, bronchi.
1. Bronchial asthma. Chronic bronchitis
Hands: GI 10 – GI 10;
Under the collarbone: P1 – P1;
Sternum: VC20, VC22 (unpaired points);
Back: V11 – V11;
Legs: E36 – E36.
2. Common cold. Sinusitis. Adenoids. Tonsillitis. Pharyngitis.
Hands: GI 10 – GI 10;
Under the collarbone: P1 – P1;
Sternum: VC20, VC22 (unpaired points);
Back: V11 – V11;
Legs: E36 – E36.
Face: GI 20 – GI 20.
3. Allergic rhinitis
Hands: GI4 – GI4, P10-P10;
Back: V11 – V11;
Legs: E36 – E36, RP10 – RP 10.
4. Otitis media. Hearing loss. Noise in ears
Face: VB 2 – VB 2;
Shoulders: VB 21 – VB 21;
Legs: RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; F3 – F3; R1 – R1;
Back: V23 – V23.
5. Chronic rhinitis
Hands: GI4 – GI4; P7 – P7; MC3 – MC3.
Spine: V11 – V11.
Near the nose: GI 20 – GI 20.
6. Pulmonary tuberculosis
Legs: E36-E36, R3-R3 (behind the outer ankle of the foot);
Back: V13-V13 (above V15), V23-V23.
Respiratory organs pathology
48-year-old woman, Almaty city. Within 5 year, autoimmune thyroiditis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD, high myopia, bend of the gallbladder, hepatitis of unknown etiology, duodenal ulcer. Treatment: Resuscitation scheme. (Appendix 1). During treatment, the exacerbation was after 3 months of taking drugs in the form of a snuffle and cough. The bronchospasm went away immediately. Currently, the woman is undergoing the 6th month of treatment, the results are positive. She takes «XueQingFu» capsules at 11 o'clock. 1 capsule – at this time the heart channel is working. Tachycardia disappeared, which characteristic of thyroiditis. The action of the capsules «Haicao Gai» and «Linchzhi» brightened the woman's skin. Bilirubin dropped to normal. Woman keeps water regime of 2.5 liters per day. The results are encouraging.
72-year-old woman, Almaty city. I was sick all summer. I took half a bottle of Sanqing Oral Liquid for the night, half a bottle of Phoenix Oral Liquid twice a day, and half a bottle of Sanbao Oral Liquid once a day, capsules Linchzhi and Haicao Gai 1 capsule twice a day, capsules XueQingFu 1 capsule twice a day and tea Liuwei, and wore cervical and lumbar belt. The woman suffers from hypertension and chronic bronchopulmonary disease. All summer I did not stop hurting, and then I was ill with bronchitis, then a cold, raised arterial blood pressure. Appointed Scheme of «Resuscitation» (Appendix 1). «XueQinqFu» capsules canceled, because her cholesterol dropped sharply. Conclusions: large doses of «XueQingFu» capsules dramatically remove cholesterol from the blood, including useful ones. This can lead to failure of the cardiovascular system. Large doses of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid can lead to malfunction of the thyroid gland, exacerbation of diseases joints and malfunction of the endocrine and immune systems. The woman keeps a water regime of 2.5 liters per day. The results are encouraging.
59-year-old woman, Almaty city. An asthmatoid cough with a whistling, spastic cough appeared. On my mother's side, my grandmother died from asthma. After 60 year, my mother had an asthmatoid condition. My son has been asthma since 1 year of age. Conclusions: The state of people often depends on the background radiation, magnetic storms, and ecology. People with heart diseases acutely feel the exacerbation of the thyroid gland, jumps in arterial blood pressure and blood sugar. Due to the activation of the thyroid gland, the woman developed an asthmatoid cough. Treatment: The woman put on a magnetic bracelet, after a few hours she felt that breathing became easier, the whistling and coughing disappeared. Magnetic bracelet and necklace are recommended for people who have problems with blood, «heart patients», «hypertensive patients», asthmatics «with colds, because they strengthen the immune system.
65-year-old man, Almaty city. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchial asthma, (underwent hormonal treatment), ulcerative colitis, coronary heart disease. The man was suffocating, could not sleep. Conclusions: Block on two parallel immune channels: the lung and the colon ones. Ulcerative colitis is a blockage in the channel of the large intestine. This often ends with colon cancer and then the formation of metastases in the lungs. Treatment: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), 1st and 2nd months without «XueQingFu» capsules, without «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream is according to «Bronchial asthma» program (section 1.1). The man wore a neck belt for 30 minutes – 1 hour 3–4 times a day. From the 3rd month, «XueQingFu» capsules were started from 11 am to 1 pm by 1 capsule. And we changed the dosage of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day. We added «Qi Li» drink 1 glass in the morning before breakfast. During the first 2 weeks, they began to reduce the intake of hormones, and soon they stopped completely. After 3 months, the man underwent a routine examination at the hospital, and the doctors were amazed at how his lungs recovered. He has no bronchial obstruction, there was no need drip seasonally prednisone. Good analyses. Ulcerative colitis is gone. Here is such an amazing result! From the 4th month it is recommended to add capsules «Garlic essence» 1 capsule 3 times a day. Taking together with capsules «Linchzhi, Haicao Gai and XueQingFu» from 11 am to 1 pm provide triple effect on blood vessels. The bronchi are well recoverd. We also recommend adding «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. The man has an autoimmune (self-destructive) disease. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid was not recommended earlier, because it could lead to an asthma attack. During the period of seasonal exacerbation, there is a tension of the immune and endocrine systems, therefore, in the acute phase, «Sanbao» Oral Liquid is not recommended.
Q & A:
1. Reader's question: COPD. Pain in knees. Cataract.
Author's answer: «Ecology plays an important role in human health. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is severe in Uralsk. After childbirth, an autoimmune (self-destructive) process is triggered, metabolic disorders are severe, because the joints are a consequence: channels of the liver and pancreas pass through the legs. A fracture of the femoral neck is an indicator of stagnation in the gallbladder, the destruction of the joints: hip, knee, and ankle. The problem of cerebral vessels (atherosclerosis) always affects the cerebral circulation. Intracranial pressure rises, although arterial blood pressure is within normal limits. Cataracts are always a pancreas problem (the pancreas is an endocrine channel that is controlled by the thyroid gland). And there is no diabetes mellitus. But your calluses on your feet are one of the signs that you have diabetes. Treatment: The first month according to «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1), because there is a strong slagging, clear atherosclerosis, malfunction in metabolism, started autoimmune (self-destructive) process. COPD is 100 % dysfunction of the thyroid gland against the background of congenital disorders of mineral metabolism, dilatation of the bronchi, namely dilation, accumulation of mucus, sputum, and, if you start now to do BEM, there will be a large release of microbes into the blood, and the tubercle bacillus is sown, and the fungus and the virus, and severe bilateral pneumonia can begin. It will go into the blood, to the kidneys (pyelonephritis), to the heart (myocarditis), and develop against the background of respiratory and heart failure. Therefore, I recommend that you take Fohow products according to «Resuscitation» scheme for two months (Appendix 1). How does the thyroid gland affect the development of COPD? Destroys erythrocytes (there is blood thickening, thrombus formation). Erythrocytes must carry oxygen, and oxygen deficiency develops little of them and an attack of bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm begins and pneumosclerosis occurs, and COPD develops. When working with to acupuncture «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to «Tuberculosis of the lungs» program, the cough quickly disappears and the lung tissue is recoverd. «Common Cold» program recovers the pH of the bronchial mucosa in bronchial asthma, nasopharynx – in sinusitis, tonsillitis. And you will comprehensively resuscitate your body at the cellular level, there will be a cleaning, but not massive, as with BEM. From the third month, when your condition stabilizes, we can carefully begin to do BEM. All problems are in the collar area. And here you can't do without BEM. The main purpose of BEM is to recover the neck and collar area and adjust the channels (meridians). «Yang Sheng» Energy cream in the morning we work according to «General health program» (section 1.14), in the afternoon «Tuberculosis of the lungs» (section 1.1.), «Common Cold» (section 1.1), before dinner «Glomerulonephritis. CPN.» section 1.4). The problem of blood vessels and renal function is reduced and retinopathy develops from here, namely retinal vascular pathology, as in this case. This problem is also related to the kidneys. After dinner, «Exhaustion of the nervous system» (section 1.8), «Hypothyroidism» (section 1.9) and before bedtime, «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (section 1.3). And the «Cataract» program (section 1.5) can be done in the evening. Squeeze a drop of cream and rub it with dots on a point as in the diagram. Don't worry that you don't – you will! Wear a Faradization thermal belt over an hour later on the neck, on the Abdomen below – above the navel, on the legs from 9:00 to 10:00 on one leg, from 10 am to 11 am on the other leg is above the ankle of the foot (works well with cataracts) or knee pads at this time. From 11 am to 1 pm, the heart channel (parallel channel of the small intestine) is active. You can wear Faradization thermal cervical belt on your hands. Wear a lumbar belt from 3 pm. Use «Yang Sheng» seat actively, put it under your head (the collar zone is recoverd, cerebral circulation, the blood vessels of the eyes begin to work), they lowered the channel of the liver and gallbladder below the shoulder blades, the kidneys begin to work, put it under the buttocks – it will diure (the urinary channel passes), female organs are treated, you will stimulate the large intestine. Good bowel movement in the morning, swelling will go away quickly. For all women, I recommend at least one Guifei Bao tampon per month. First, the rejuvenation of the female organs. Secondly, it diures well, blood sugar normalizes, recovers the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas and recovers energy along the entire spine, the work of the brain improves, and, most importantly, the work of the thyroid gland is regulated. Those who have joint problems have kidney problems. You wear a lumbar belt and during this time you put on knee pads, or a neck belt in the knee area. If one joint hurts, it is imperative to work out the second joint. From the third month we start working with BEM, apply the «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» program with acupuncture energy cream «Yang Sheng» (section 1.3). Is your sensitivity reduced? Do it at a frequency of no more than 10 Hz. At first you will not feel, but the work will be powerful. 5–6 procedures, 2 weeks off.»
1.2 Gastrointestinal diseases
1. Disorder of mineral metabolism is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Starting from the oral cavity, the cellular immunity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the pH changes, the level of T-helpers decreases. Disorder of mineral metabolism leads to the development of helicobacter, changes in secretion, pH of the mucous membrane, pathogenic flora, dysbacteriosis develops, which causes stomatitis, gingivitis, esophagitis and gastritis.
Congenital disorder of mineral metabolism leads to a generalized decrease in muscle tone and, in particular, to gastrointestinal atony, such as chronic constipation, gastroduodenal reflex, bending of the gallbladder, bile stasis.
Changes in the pH of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder and bile stasis lead to the development of pathogenic flora, gallbladder inflammation and stone formation.
2. Cervical insufficiency is pathological changes in the cervical spine, severe by osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, pathology of the III cervical spine, which is responsible for digestion, such as celiac disease, disrupted synthesis of immunoglobulin A, and other serious diseases.
Disorder of energy circulation through the endocrine and immune channels leads to the development of autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases.
Treatment of Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Gastritis, Chronic Constipation, unstable bowel movement, duodenitis (abdominal distension): «Wellness and rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2).
Treatment of Peptic ulcer: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1).
Treatment of Pancreatitis: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1).
Hemorrhoids develops due to a disorder of mineral metabolism and cervical insufficiency, as well as disturbances in the circulation of energy through the urinary canal (runs along the spine), the spleen canal, pancreas and stomach.