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Bound By Their Babies: Bound by Their Babies

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‘What, marrying Pete, or having Zach?’

‘I meant having Zach,’ he said, although he must have wondered if she’d regretted her marriage to a man she’d known was probably dying, but maybe he felt he’d been intrusive enough.

She smiled down at the sleeping baby snuggled up in the buggy, her heart filling. ‘Not for a single second. It hasn’t been easy, and I’ve often been scared that I couldn’t cope, but no, I’ve never regretted it. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Well, apart from you, of course, but that’s different.’

She flashed him a smile, and he reached out and took her hand and squeezed it, but he didn’t let go, just kept her hand there in his as they strolled along side by side, their fingers loosely linked.

It was only when the path narrowed again that he slipped his hand out of hers to go on ahead with the buggy, and she curled her fingers tightly into her palm and felt oddly bereft.

* * *

Jake rang her on Tuesday morning to say he’d had an email inviting him for interview at nine-thirty on Thursday.

‘Gosh, that was quick.’

‘It was. Ben promised he’d hustle it. Check your emails,’ he said, but she was already doing it and her heart was racing.

‘Yes, they want to see me at ten-fifteen. And they said allow until one. Ouch.’

‘Mmm. I think that’s because they want us one at a time, and then together.’

‘Can you get the time off?’ she asked, hooking Zach out of the bottom pan drawer and sliding it shut with her leg. ‘Because taking these two to an interview could be interesting, although we’ll need cover for the joint interview anyway. What are we going to do about that?’

‘I’ll sort it with Ben—he’ll need cover, too, and I’ll talk to the nursery,’ he promised. ‘I spoke to them about Matilda the other day, and they had some capacity then, so hopefully they can squeeze them in. Right, got to go, I’m due in Theatre. In fact, why don’t you come up here and talk to the staff at the nursery anyway, because this is for Zach, too, and it might give the children a chance to get familiarised before we have to leave them there—assuming they still have space.’

‘And failing that?’

She could almost see him shrug. ‘Then I’ll ask Ben’s wife Daisy if she can help out for the interviews as a one-off. She’s lovely and Tils knows her, but in the long term we may have to find somewhere else.’

‘OK. I’ll take them up there now and see. I’ll text you the answer.’

* * *

She spent the next hour at the nursery, and although Matilda dragged her everywhere she wanted to go, she did at least explore the garden and have a go on the play equipment, and Zach seemed happy in the sandpit so long as Emily sat on the edge. Then she found the water trough, and that was it.

‘Right, Tilly, we need to go now and see the ducks,’ she said, and to her amazement Matilda shook her head.

‘No. I playing.’

She was pouring water from one container to another and getting utterly drenched, but she seemed totally content, and Emily pulled out her phone and took a picture and sent it to Jake.

Hallelujah! he texted back, and she smiled.

Hallelujah, indeed. For now, at least.

* * *

Predictably Jake rang her in his lunch break to find out more.

‘It was great,’ she told him. ‘I saw Caitlin, she said you’d spoken to her, which was really useful because I didn’t have to explain anything in front of the children.’

‘How about security?’

‘It’s excellent, and they seem to have wonderful facilities. And they have space, which is a miracle, apparently, but someone’s just left so we got lucky.’

‘What did Matilda make of it at first?’

‘She was a bit wary, but after she’d found her feet a little she loved it, and so did Jake. We played for ages, and the other children seemed happy, which was good to see. I’ve been quite worried about it because I’ve never left Zach with anyone except Pete’s parents, and that’s only been for an hour or so to have my hair cut or go to the dentist, but I don’t think I need to worry about him at all or you about Matilda.’

‘No, thanks for sending me that photo, it’s delicious.’

‘It is, but I had to drag them away. Neither of them wanted to leave. I had to bribe them with feeding the ducks.’

He chuckled. ‘Yeah, the ducks can be quite handy. Well, that’s brilliant. Thanks. So are we all set for Thursday?’

‘Yes—except I need to go home this evening and grab something to wear for my interview that might not be a total disgrace. I can do that after you get home once they’re in bed.’

‘OK. I’ll try not to be late.’

* * *

It was only a flying visit to collect some clothes, because all she’d brought with her was a few pairs of jeans and an armful of tops, and that wasn’t going to impress anyone. Not that she had much at home to choose from that would still fit her since she’d had Zach, but there had to be something.

She parked on the drive, went in and shut the front door, and then stood for a second while the silence closed in around her. She realised it was the first time she’d been alone in the house since Zach was born, and it felt odd. Odd, and strangely unsettling. And, to her surprise, although the house she’d shared with Pete for so long was familiar, it didn’t feel like home. It just felt wrong somehow, so she raided her wardrobe and left without lingering.

‘That was quick. Did you find what you wanted?’ Jake asked her when she got home—home?—and she nodded, going into the sitting room and perching on the arm of the sofa.

‘Yes, I suppose so. It’ll do.’ She frowned at the television. ‘Are you seriously watching Titanic?’

‘Oh, I was just killing time till you got back, really. There’s not much on.’

‘Titanic made you cry.’

‘It made you cry, too, if I remember rightly,’ he reminded her drily.

‘Surely not.’ She peered at the bag beside him. ‘Is that popcorn?’

‘It might be.’

She felt her mouth twitch and bit her lips to trap the smart retort. ‘What flavour?’

‘Wasabi and ginger.’

Her mouth dropped open. ‘You’re kidding,’ she said, and his eyes crinkled.

‘I’m not, they do make it, but it’s salted caramel.’

She couldn’t help the laugh. ‘I knew you wouldn’t eat anything that weird. Give me five seconds to change and I’ll be back. I’ll have tea, please—and don’t finish the popcorn!’
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