subor subordinate
subron submarine squadron
sup supply
SUPCOM support command
sups supplies
sur surface
survl surveillance
SUW surface warfare
svc service
svc ammo service ammunition
SVML standard vehicle missile launcher
SW software
sys system
T time
T&E traversing and elevating
TA target acquisition
TA theater army
TAB target acquisition battery
TAC Tactical Air Command
tac tactical
TACAN tactical air navigation
TAC CP tactical command post
TAIS tactical airspace integration system
TASM tactical air-to-surface missile
TBM theatre ballistic missile
TC Transportation Corps
TCAS traffic alert and collision avoidance system
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol
TE Task Element
TEC theater engineer command
tech technical
tel telephone
telecomm telecommunications
TERCOM terrain contour matching
TF task force
tfc traffic
TFR terrain following radar
TG task group
tg telegraph
TGB tail gearbox
tgt target
THAAD Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
THAAD Theater High Altitude Area Defense
TI tactical internet
tj trajectory
tk tank
tk bn tank battalion
tm team
TMD theater missile defense
TN thermonuclear