PS chloropicrin
psi pound per square inch
psn position
PSYOP Psychological Operations
pt point
PT physical training
pvt private
PW prisoner of war
PZ pickup zone
QMC Quartermaster Corps
R reinforcing
RA Regular Army
RA rocket assisted
racon radar beacon
radn radiation
RAM radar-absorbent material
RAP rocket assisted projectile
RC reserve component
RCIED radio controlled improvised explosive device
rct recruit
rcvr receiver
rd round
rd/min rounds per minute
rdo radio
rdr radar
recon reconnaissance
reg regular
regt regiment
rel release
res reserve
resp responsibility; responsible
RF radio frequency
rfl refuel, refuelling
RH rhesus
RHA rolled homogeneous armor
RISTA reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition
rkt rocket
RMA revolution in military affairs
RMP reprogrammable processor
RN Royal Navy
ROTC reserve officer training corps
ROV remotely operated vehicle
RP release point
rpm rotations per minute; rounds per minute
rr rear
RRC Regional Readiness Command
RRG Regional Readiness Group
RS radar set
RSO Regional Security Officer
RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition