SIGINT signals intelligence
SINCGARS single channel ground and airborne radio system
sit situation
SJA staff judge advocate
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCM sea-launched cruise missile
SMART-T secure mobile anti-jam reliable tactical terminal
SMDC US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
SMFD secondary multifunction display
smg submachine gun
SN service number
SN secretary of the Navy
snd sound
SOA separate operating agency
SOCOM US Special Operations Command
sol soldier
sonar sound navigation and ranging
SOP standing operating procedure
SOUTHCOM US Southern Command
SP self-propelled
sp special, specialist
SP start point
SPACECOM US Space Command
SPC specialist (звание)
SPCE survey, planning and coordination element
spd speed
spec specification
SPIRIT special purpose integrated remote intelligence terminal
spt support
SQ superquick
sqd squad
sqdn squadron
SRBM short-range ballistic missile
SS spin-stabilized
SSA staff-support agency
SSBN (fleet) ballistic missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)
SSGN guided missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)
SSM surface-to-surface missile
SSN attack submarine (nuclear propulsion)
SSN social security number
SSR secondary surveillance radar
sta station
stblz stabilizer
std standard
str strength
strat strategic
STRATCOM US Strategic Command
STSS Space Tracking and Surveillance System
sub submarine
SUBGRU submarine group