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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. 2-е издание. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии

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flt con sur flight control surface

FM (97) frequency modulation; frequency-modulated

FMF Fleet Marine Force

FMFLANT Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic

FMFPAC Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

fmn formation

FMS flight management system

FOA field operating agency

F of F field of fire

FORSCOM US Army Forces Command

fps feet per second

frag fragmentation

frd friend (ly)

freq frequency

FS fin-stabilized

FS fire support

FS force sustainment

FS fuselage station

FSB forward support battalion

FSE fire support element

FSN federal stock number

FSO free-space optics

FSO comm free-space optical communication

FSSG Force Service Support Group

ft foot

Ft fort

ftn fortification

ftr fighter

ftr-bmr fighter-bomber

FU fire unit

fus fuselage

FW fixed-wing

fwd forward

G1 (14) personnel section (officer)

G2 (14) intelligence section (officer)

G3 (14) operations and training section (officer)

G4 (14) logistics section (officer)

G5 (14) civil affairs/military government section (officer)

G6 Chief Information Office (officer)

GA tabun

GAN global area network

GB sarin

GBI Ground Based Interceptor

GBMD Ground-based Midcourse Defense

GBS global broadcast system

GBU guided bomb unit

GCC geographic combatant commander

GCCS Global Command and Control System

GCCS-A Global Command and Control System-Army

GCCS-M Global Command and Control System-Maritime
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