en enemy
eng engine
eng spd engine speed
engr engineer
ENM Enhanced Position Location Reporting System Network Manager
EP electronic protection
EPLRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System
EPM electronic protective measures
EPP electric power plant
EPW enemy prisoner of war
equip equipment
ERA explosive-reactive armor
ES electronic warfare support
ESB expeditionary signal battalion
ESC Electronic Security Command
ESM electronic warfare support measures
ET electronic time
EUCOM US European Command
EUSA Eighth US Army, Korea
EW electronic warfare
exam examination
explo explosion; explosive
FA Field Artillery
FAAD Forward Area Air Defense
fac facility
FAE fuel-air explosive
FAST Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team
fax facsimile
FBCB2 Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade and Below
FC Finance Corps
FCP forward command post
FCS fire control system
FDC fire direction center
FEST-A forward engineer support team – advanced
FEST-M forward engineer support team – main
FFAR folding-fin aircraft rocket
FFC Fleet Forces Command
FFE field force engineering
FFG guided missile frigate
FH frequency hopping
FHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum
FIST fire support team
FIST-V fire support team vehicle
fld field
FLIR forward-looking infrared
FLOLS Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
FLOT forward line of own troops
flot flotilla
flt flight
flt con flight control