COSCOM corps support command
CP command post
CP concrete-piercing
CPE chemical protective equipment
CPL corporal
CPOF command post of the future
CPT captain
CPU central processing unit
C-RAM counter rocket, artillery and mortar
CRUDESGRU cruiser-destroyer group
crypto cryptographic
CS combat support
CSM Command Sergeant Major
CSS combat service support
CSSCS combat service support control system
CSUSA Chief of Staff, US Army
CSUSAF Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
CTOL conventional take off and landing
CV aircraft carrier
CVN aircraft carrier (nuclear propulsion)
CVBG Carrier Battle Group
CW chemical warfare
CW continuous wave
CW telegraphy
CW agt chemical warfare agent
CZ combat zone
DA diphenylchlorarsine
DA department of the Army
DAF department of the Air Force
DC diphenylcyanarsine
DC Dental Corps
DC District of Columbia
DCA defensive counterair
DCGS distributed common ground system
DCGS-A distributed common ground system-Army
DCI Director of Central Intelligence
DCO defensive cyberspace operations
DCS/LOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
DCU desert camouflage uniform
DDG guided missile destroyer
DE directed energy
decon decontamination
decon elm decontamination element
def defense; defensive
Def-Aids defensive aids
dept department
desron destroyer squadron
det detachment
DF direction-finding
dir direction