to the metis in a cervine jacket the blue ticket. The metis nodded and silently waved
hand towards an elevator cabin. Hans entered, the cabin trembled, and rise
Hans as if rose in the balloon. Before it” opened again
weigh Stormer-city. Soon because of the ridge the ocean seemed. On
the North, the East and the South the Andes were piled up.
The elevator stopped. Hans left a cabin on the open area. Faugh!
Here is even colder. And what furious wind! But eagle outlook. On
to the wide platform which from below seemed the thread connecting “legs”
huge tuning fork, anemometers, barometers were installed a weather vane,
thermometers… Wind burns down the person. It is rather to the box! The fat man meets. Nods
head, as to the old acquaintance. Vinkler already warned by phone.
Of course, it is possible to examine and go down.
In the middle of the room there is a trolley above the hatch, ready to falling. Door
it is open. Hans looks inside, enters: the door behind it slams.
Here is warmer. On a ceiling – an electric bulb. There are no windows. A floor is covered
linoleum. The wall at a door is forced by boxes in which are located
experimental animals, birds, insects. The same boxes stand at a wall
at the left. At a wall opposite to a door – scales. To the fourth wall it is attached
hammock. Near a hammock stand three the deep convenient screwed on a floor
chairs with belts, as by planes, in a corner – spring scales the person
designs, on an iron core – the dial with the arrow noting
change of weight.
“Scales are spring, – Hans notes. – It is clear: cups of ordinary scales
will not change the situation, whatever freight lay on one and another
to cup as both bodies equally lose the weight. Only
spring scales can note loss of weight when falling”.
In a deep chair the fat, hardly holding in it person sat with
the shining bald head. It was faced by the high well-fad shaven doctor.
The bald fat man panted and looked at the doctor the scared eyes as
the patient waiting for operation.
Finger greeted the doctor and showed the blue ticket.
– You allow me to take part in experience? – Finger asked.
– Please! – the doctor answered and continued to convince the fat man of full
safety and harmlessness of flight. – You will lay down on a hammock, so to you will be
more conveniently. I will sit down near you in a chair and I will watch your pulse and
blood pressure. About is not present, at all not to warn
any danger. Just we will make various scientific observations,
that then to draw from them the conclusions. We generalize scientific observations and
we transfer them to the chief engineer who considers everything for the
technical calculations and designs: what acceleration is admissible at
flying away, what most expedient ways of protection from pushes
and so forth.
– Means, pushes are possible? Perhaps, and very strong? – scaredly
the fat man asked.
– It is no more, than in the tram, – his doctor hurried to calm. At
Finger’s help the doctor laid the fat man in a hammock and strongly tied him
heavy body belts.
Hans took seat in a chair, having fastened belts and askance looking at the
neighbor. The fat man puffed, was nervous, muttered something. Doctor also