Classics of a fantasy
A. Belyaev
A novel on the topic of interplanetary communications most informative and scientific… of Course, perhaps the best, but, however, until his.The threshold of the world revolution. A specialist in “jet engines”, is faced with a difficult choice: the military leadership of the capitalist countries requires him to take part in the development of weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, a group of rich and aristocrats offers Zander to lead the construction of the “starship”…
Classics of a fantasy
A. Belyaev
© A. Belyaev, 2019
ISBN 978-5-0050-0883-1
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Chapter 1
Zander sharply removed the drawing, got up because of a table, walked on
to office. Took out a violin from a case and played. Long, slender fingers
easily and vozdushno danced on a signature stamp. But a melody which took
the violinist from the tool, was not cheerful at all.
“The chief is excited with something! – Vinkler thought, listening from next
rooms to improvisation. – From! How many bitterness! As the violin complains!.”
The complaint turned into indignation, in a violent protest. Sounds accrued,
got stronger and suddenly broke not resolved chord.
“Resolutely, to Zander there was something unusual!” – again thought
Vinkler, drawing a drawing pen a curve.
From an office the fast paces of Zander muffled by a carpet were heard.
– Vinkler, fall here!
Zander sat already at a desk when Vinkler entered.
– You sit down.
Vinkler took seat against Zander. Minute they silently looked the friend on
the friend, as if tried to read something new in the familiar for a long time person.
On the left cheek of Zander the slight scar – an old trace was designated
student’s rapier; a face of the engineer Zander, a face of the artist with big,
pensive eyes, it was more pale than usual.
– Vinkler, how many years we work together?
– Twelve years, mister Zander.
– Yes, twelve. Term is considerable… You were the good assistant,
Vinkler, my right hand, my friend…
– I did not die yet, mister Zander…
Zander frowned:
– We have to leave.
Vinkler hasty lowered a hand in a pocket, took out a tube, filled it
tobacco, lit.
– It why., so unexpectedly?
– I leave. For a long time I leave the homeland, perhaps forever.
– “Mohicans”? – shortly Vinkler asked.
– Yes, they… You believe that I am threatened by an imprisonment, Vinkler? Worse.
Much worse. They came not with a sword, and with gifts.
– “Be afraid of Greeks, the gifts bringing”, – Vinkler nodded. – And
what gifts are?
– They are ready to forget graciously about my dirty blood, – with bitterness
Zander told. – To return me department, it is good to pay my work.
– From means., military department?