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Classics of a fantasy

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– You guessed, Vinkler. They offered me – you understand what means,

when they offer? – to work in military department… Stratospheric

the bombing rockets operated on radio. You heard about them? In

many regions of the country constructions for firing are already built by such

rockets. From these points several minutes it is possible to destroy Paris,

Brussels, Prague, Warsaw hail of explosive and gas rockets. But to them it

it is not enough. They need the “shells without guns” flying for thousands of kilometers. Not

only London, Rome, Naples, Madrid, Moscow, Leningrad, but even

New York, Washington – targets for their new tools of destruction. Capitals,

the industrial cities, ports, airfields of neighboring states are destroyed in

several minutes together with all people. To smother children, to tear to parts

bodies of fathers and mothers – for the sake of what? – here what they offer me,

Vinkler. Whether my teacher Tsiolkovsky thought of it whether I dreamed of it,

having devoted the life to jet engines, rockets, a zvezdoplavaniye?.

For nervousness on a high forehead of Zander small drops of sweat acted.

– And what you answered them? Zander shrugged shoulders:

– If I told them “no”, it is easy to present consequences. If

I would tell “I will think”, at best I would appear now under


– And you told “yes”?

– To have an opportunity to run immediately. Today I depart in

Switzerland. I ask you, Vinkler to collect my papers, drawings. Folder number

two – “Pikkolo Rocket”, number seven, number nine…

– And with it as? – Vinkler asked, having nodded on drawings of the rocket.

– Apparently, in any way, – Zander answered. – You know lord Blotton?

For it weeds in a stratosphere on the rocket – only the next hobby

athlete. And it already begins to cool down to this business. Several days to that

back he cabled that he will arrive today, and, as you can see, him

no. And monetary affairs of sir Henry are, apparently, not in brilliant

state. By the way, they to me already put by sight mine “strange communication” with


Vinkler puffed a tube.

– And what you will do in Switzerland?

– To play a violin and to fall in a reverie, – gloomily smiled

Zander. – I have abroad small savings.

– And when you will live them? To play a violin, collecting alms on

to the yards? “Give to professor Zander, the engineer with a world name, one

centime, kind citizens…” Picture, worthy our time.

Zander crackled slender fingers. His head was hung below and below under

weight of these words.

– Well to do, Vinkler? – quietly he asked.

– Something should be thought up, mister Zander. Whole world the day before

revolution, he prepares for war. Now everywhere look at rockets only

from the military point of view. – Vinkler released several puffs and


– In Switzerland there are many tourists. Tourists go by cars.

Cars demand repair. We will open repair shop.

– We?. Who?

– Yes we: you and I. A surname of Zander – not for a sign repair

workshop. I will open it on the name. “Vinkler and Co”. At me is on
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