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Classics of a fantasy

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– And trips in the train are accompanied by risk, – he noticed. – Not

I think that flight in the rocket represented big risk. But in a case

landings to the planet us, of course, expect many surprises. And I am very much

he is grateful to professor Kinbruk who informed you in advance about

some inconveniences existing on the specified planets. In

astronomical questions your authority will be believed, certainly, more,

than me.

– But where you land us, devil take it? Forgive, the milady, for

involuntary exclamation, – Stormer told.

All waited with breathless attention that Zander will tell.

– Anywhere. I believe that to us it is the more favorable and safest exactly anywhere

not to land.

– O… a ryzhok in anything? – Marshal with bitter irony which not asked


– And therefore I also tried to create such interplanetary ship, on

which there could be a circulation of substances. The rocket will have

greenhouse in five hundred meters of length which has to give us necessary

for food vegetable products and oxygen for breath.

– To eat one wild strawberry? – asked Amelie. – I agree.

– For fans to eat more densely we will take products of month on

rub, on five. If I manage to carry out completely the invention,

which I finish now, perhaps, these one three-months

terrestrial stocks, apart from a greenhouse, will be enough for us at least for two-three

ten terrestrial years.

– You believe that you in the rocket to us will be sufficient for saturation

homeopathic doses?

– I am not going to cut off a ration on one gram.

– Then, so you are going to repeat an evangelical miracle of saturation

five thousand people five fishes and three bread?

– Yes, if you want, a miracle.

– But in what it consists?

– In “extending” time in the rocket as rubber. While

in the rocket there will pass days, on Earth – months and, perhaps, years.

Round eyes of Stormer left orbits. That would be the last straw, that

Zander went balmy from mind!

– You, it seems., a little bit…

– Went crazy? – Zander facilitated Stormer’s task.

– I understand Mr. Zander, – Dzhilber told, rubbing the forehead. —

Means to slow down a current of time really exists. It

means – to accelerate the movement. But, Mr. Zander, to create

such difference between a current of time on Earth and in the rocket, are necessary

speeds close to velocity of light.

Zander nodded.

– I do not claim that I will manage to solve this problem, but, it seems to me,

I am close to its decision, – he told.

– Radiant energy? Radio waves? Intratomic energy? – threw

Zander’s questions.

– It is a secret so far, – he answered. – And if I manage to seize

really huge speeds, then we will be able to visit even not

on one planet and personally to be convinced whether life is possible on them.
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