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The Pirate

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Gills, the jaws.

Gin, if.

Gio, a deep ravine which admits the sea.

Girdle, an iron plate on which to fire cakes.

Glamour, a fascination or charm.

Glebe, land belonging to the parish minister in right of his office.

Glower, to gaze.

Gowd, gold.

Gowk, a fool.

Gowpen, the full of both hands.

Graip, a three-pronged pitch-fork.

Graith, furniture.

Grew, to shiver. The flesh is said to grew when a chilly sensation passes over the surface of the body.

Grist, a mill fee payable in kind.

Gude, good.

Gudeman, gudewife, the heads of the house.

Gue, a two-stringed violin.

Guide, to treat, to take care of.

Guizards, maskers or mummers.

Gyre-carline, a hag.

Haaf, deep-sea fishing.

Haaf-fish, a large kind of seal.

Hae, have.

Haft, to fix, to settle.

Hagalef, payment for liberty to cast peats.

Haill, whole.

Hald, hold.

Halier, a cavern into which the tide flows.

Hallanshaker, a vagabond, a beggar.

Halse, the throat.

Hand-quern, a hand-mill.

Happer, the hopper of a mill.

Harry, to plunder.

Har’st, harvest.

Hasp, a hank of yarn. “Ravelled hasp,” everything in confusion.

Haud, hauld, hold.

Havings, behaviour.

Hawkhen, hens exacted by the royal falconer on his visits to the islands.

Helyer, a cavern into which the tide flows.

Hialtland, the old name for Shetland.

Hinny, a term of endearment=honey.

Hirple, to halt, to limp.

Hirsel, to move or slide down.

Housewife-skep, housewifery.

Hout! tut!

Howf, a haunt, a haven.

Ilk, of the same name.

Ilk, ilka, each, every.

Ill-fa’red, ill-favoured.

“In a creel,” foolish.

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