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Twins For The Rancher

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“Have you been good for Papa Ed today?”

“They were angels, of course,” Papa Ed said as he picked up Harper and delivered her into Lauren’s other arm.

“I think Papa Ed is fibbing, don’t you?” she asked Harper, drawing a slobbery smile.

“Well, you can’t fault them for being fussy when they’re cutting teeth.”

“Yeah, probably a good thing that’s something none of us remember doing.” Lauren sank onto the chair in the corner of the room so the girls could use her as a jungle gym. “So, what did you all do today?”

“Before the rain, we went for a stroll through the park and played in the sandbox they have down there,” he said, referencing the public park at the bottom of the hill below the inn. “We had a picnic and watched ducks on the lake.”

“That sounds like quite the exciting day.” She dropped kisses on the top of both her babies’ heads. “You must be worn out,” she said to her grandfather.

“Not at all. We had a nice nap this afternoon. Plus, reinforcements are on the way. Your mom called and said she was coming down to see the new place.”

Lauren laughed a little. “I think it’s more likely she’s coming to see these two.”

“Can’t say that I blame her. She’s never been away from her grandbabies this long.”

“My girls are going to be spoiled so rotten they’ll stink all the way to Oklahoma.”

“There is no such thing as too much spoiling.”

Lauren outright snorted at that comment, making the girls startle then giggle at the strange sound Mommy made.

“I’m pretty sure that’s a recent change in opinion. I don’t recall it being in place when Violet and I were growing up.”

“When someone becomes a great-grandpa, he’s allowed to change his mind.”

Lauren smiled and shook her head.

“How did your day go?” he asked.

She gave him the rundown as well as what she hoped to get accomplished tomorrow.

“I wish you had some help.”

“I will eventually. I just need to be conscious of my expenses right now and do everything I can myself. Plus, Violet will be here soon. She’s almost caught up with everything on the to-do list that needs to get done before she can work remotely.”

“I’m so glad you two work so well together,” Papa Ed said.

“I don’t know what I’d do without her, especially over the past year and a half. But don’t tell her that or she’ll get a big head.”

Papa Ed chuckled. “You’re probably ready for a shower.”

“That I am. And then some food.”

He took Harper from her just as there was a knock on the door. Lauren carried Bethany with her as she went to open it. Her mother’s face lit up as soon as she saw Bethany. She immediately held out her hands for her granddaughter.

“Gammy’s here,” her mom said, resulting in some excited bouncing by Bethany.

“Well, I see I’ve been usurped,” Lauren said as she handed over her daughter.

“Someday you’ll enjoy being the usurper when they have babies of their own.”

“A long, long, long time from now.” She was barely used to the idea of having two children of her own. There wasn’t enough room in her mind to even contemplate grandchildren someday.

Once the girls were safely ensconced with her mom and grandfather, Lauren grabbed clean clothes and headed for the shower.

After washing away another day of dust and sweat, she was surprised by how much better she felt. She came out of the bathroom to find a note saying for her to join her family in the dining room. When she arrived, she found them talking with Skyler Bradshaw, the owner of the inn.

“Good evening,” Skyler said. “I couldn’t resist stopping to see these little cuties.”

Harper held Skyler’s finger as if she’d known her from the day of her birth.

Lauren gently caressed the pair of downy heads. “They do have the ability to stop people in their tracks.”

“Is there anything I can do to make your stay more pleasant?”

“No, thank you. Everything has been wonderful.”

“Glad to hear it.”

After Skyler moved on to chat with other guests, Lauren slipped onto her seat and pulled two jars of baby food from the diaper bag decorated with baby animals.

“Do you want to see the building after dinner?” she asked her mom.

“No, tomorrow’s soon enough. Tonight, I just want to spend time with my granddaughters.”

Bethany let out an enthusiastic squeal as if to say that was the best idea ever, drawing chuckles from the older couple at the next table.

“Nice set of lungs on that one,” the older guy said.

“Let me assure you they are twins in every way,” Lauren said as she held a tiny spoon of green beans up to Harper’s lips.

After they’d all had a delicious meal, Lauren accompanied her mom back to the room they would share while Papa Ed headed back to his own for a well-deserved rest and, if he could find one, probably a fishing show on TV.

Once back in her room, Lauren opened her computer to check if there were any pressing messages. She grinned at the sight of her mom tickling the girls’ bellies, making them laugh.

“They adore you.”

“The feeling is mutual.” Her mom glanced toward Lauren. “Are we interrupting your work?”

Lauren shook her head. “I’ve had about enough work for the day. Just checking email and social media.”

“If you want to go to sleep—”

“No. It’s too early. If I went to sleep now, I’d wake up at two in the morning.”
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