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Twins For The Rancher

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“Ah. So now explain what was so funny.”

“You caught that, huh?”

She nodded as she swirled a fry through her pool of ketchup.

“I guess someone should warn you. Verona has appointed herself town matchmaker. If you spend any time here at all, she’ll try to pair you up with someone.”

A cold ball of dread formed in Lauren’s middle. A matchmaker was the absolute last thing she needed in her life right now.

* * *

ADAM CONSIDERED HIMSELF lucky that his attempt to not laugh at Verona was all Lauren had noticed. If she’d guessed that he’d momentarily been okay with the idea of Verona trying to match up the two of them, that likely would have been the end of any chance he had of winning her business. He had all the evidence he needed in her reactions to what both the unknown woman and Verona had said. He wasn’t Sherlock Holmes or anything, but even he was able to deduce she wasn’t interested in a romantic relationship. He had to admit he was curious why, but he wasn’t about to ask such a personal question of someone he’d met only a little more than an hour ago.

After they’d finished their meals, he asked Lauren if she wanted dessert.

“Better not. I’m so full now that I’m likely to want to take a nap when I get back instead of working.”

“Speaking of, you’ll want to be careful with that ladder, especially if you’re alone. When I first came by earlier, I was afraid you were about to topple off it.”

“I’ll be careful. A full body cast isn’t my idea of a good time.”

“That’s nobody’s idea of a good time.”

After they both paid for their meals, he once again held the door open for her. The rain had passed, leaving behind a faint hint of sun trying to burn its way through the clouds.

“You need a ride somewhere else?”

He spotted Angel just pulling into the parking lot. “No, thank you. My ride just showed up.”

She glanced across the parking lot. He could tell when she spotted Angel.

“One of the family members who works at Rocking Horse Ranch?”

He nodded. “My sister, Angel. She’s mainly a photographer, a darn good one, but she’s been known to string fence and muck out stalls.”

“My little sister dabbles in photography, too. Nature stuff, mostly. Does Angel specialize?”

“Ranch life and rodeos. She’s beginning to gain some recognition, has had some photos in a couple of national magazines.”

“That’s great. Well, I’ll stop talking your ear off and let you get on with your day.”

“No problem. Hope to hear from you soon.”

She simply nodded and headed toward her car, and he hoped he hadn’t come across as too pushy. He didn’t think he had, but you never knew how far was too far for other people.

When he realized he’d been watching her a bit too long, he turned away and headed for Angel’s vehicle.

“That was her, wasn’t it?” Angel asked as soon as he opened the door to her car.


“Looks as if things must have gone well if you two had lunch together.”

“I think our meeting went okay, but lunch was just an accident.”

Angel started the engine but didn’t pull out of the lot. Instead, she watched as Lauren drove by and gave a quick wave to them.

“How does an accidental lunch happen exactly?”

With a sigh, he recounted the story of his morning, right up until Lauren had given him a ride to the Primrose.

“Well, that’s a good sign.”

“Not necessarily. She was just being a decent person, preventing me from getting soaked to the bone.”

“I’d give you that except she agreed to have lunch with you, too.”

“It wasn’t her first choice.” As Angel finally drove out of the lot onto Main Street, he told her how he and Lauren had come to share a table.

“She could have waited for takeout or gone somewhere else.”

“Yeah, but she was hungry then.”

“Whatever. I just think you must have made a good impression.”

He hoped so, and he tried to tell himself it was only for professional reasons.

“I think she’s already in Verona’s crosshairs.”

“I wonder who Verona has in mind for her,” Angel said, not even trying to disguise her teasing tone.

“Well, judging by Lauren’s reaction to the idea of a matchmaker, I’m guessing Verona is out of luck on this one.”

“Oh, I suppose that does make sense.”

“What does that mean?”

“Lauren went through a really ugly and public breakup with her fiancé. And then the bastard took her to court, tried to sue her for a big chunk of her profits.”

“Did he help her start her business or something?”

“No. From what I read, he claimed she’d promised him a half stake when they got married. When the engagement got called off, he sued, saying he was still entitled to what he was promised.”

“He sounds like an ass.” Adam supposed this ex could have been cheated somehow, but his gut told him Lauren wasn’t the type of person who would treat someone that way. He based that on the look he’d seen on her face when the woman at the café had mentioned the guy doing Lauren wrong. She’d seemed very adamant in her support of Lauren. What was it with men who couldn’t treat women decently?

“That’s the general consensus,” Angel said.

“Verona ought to know about that and lay off.”
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