Mike’s dog had puppies, and he asked me to pick one out.
Вывести из себя
Put out
Maria put out because the manager thanked everyone except her.
Вызывать, быть причиной
Bring about
Strong leaders bring about revolution.
Make up
My son asked me to make up a story about monsters.
Come out
Susie’s friend came to the door and asked her to come out and play.
Выйти (из транспорта)
Get off
The bus stopped and I got off.
Выйти из трудной ситуации
Get out
Eric made a date with tow girls for the same night. How is he going to get out of this mess?
Выйти наружу (об истине, информации)
Come out
Get out
What really happened when President Kennedy was assassinated may never come out.
Выключить (прибор)
Turn off
Switch off
Could you turn the radio off?
Get out
Take out
The videotape is jammed. I can’t get it out.
Wash up
Go and wash up, it’s time for dinner.
Pieces of sunken boat continued to wash up for a week.
Take out
Take out the trash because it is stinky.
Выпасть, вывалиться
Fall out
I found a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest.
Pay off
I made my last payment yesterday, and now my car loan is paid off.
Выпрямить (распрямить)
Straighten out
As the city grew many streets were straightened out.
Выпустить пар, успокоиться
Let off steam