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Cinderella on His Doorstep / Accidentally Expecting!: Cinderella on His Doorstep

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“Naturally,” he came back, but to her relief he sounded more playful than upset.

“When I flew back to California, I did a little research on the Internet.”

His eyes narrowed on her features. “What did you find out?”

“For one thing, Dutch merchants used to favor the Belles Fleurs brand.”

He expelled a breath. “I might as well hear the rest. Knowing Dana Lofgren, you didn’t stop there.”

Embarrassed to be rattling on, a wave of heat washed over her. “There isn’t any more, though I will say this—I’m no connoisseur, but if the Belles Fleurs wine was as good as the kind we had at the Hermitage, then it’s the world’s loss.”

She noticed him shift his weight. “My parents never breathed a word to me about a vineyard.”

“You’re kidding!”

“My father was so intent on protecting my mother from any more pain, we simply didn’t talk about her past. When the letter from the attorney for my grandfather’s estate showed up, there was no mention of a vineyard. In fact, he led me to believe the place was virtually unsalvageable.”

“Sounds like he was hoping you would forfeit so he could buy it for a song.”

He nodded. “I got the distinct impression he was hiding something, but didn’t understand until I saw the winepress building and eventually discovered the vineyard. No doubt he’d been bombarded by vintners throughout the Anjou region who wanted to buy it and work it, even if they couldn’t afford to purchase the château.”

“So he thought he’d buy it first,” she theorized, “recognizing the money it could bring in.”


“Is it supposed to be a secret then?”

He put his hands on his hips, unconsciously emanating a potent virility that made her tremble. “Not at all.”

“But you wish I’d mind my own business.”

“You misunderstand me, Dana. There’s something you don’t know. Come with me while I make this last haul and I’ll explain.”

His invitation made it possible for her to be with him a little longer. She couldn’t ask for more than that, but he paused before his next comment ruined the moment. “Unless of course your assistance is required elsewhere.” His brow had furrowed. “Naturally your father has first call on your time.”

Between Alex and her dad, she felt like a football being tossed back and forth. Both of them treated her like she was a child who couldn’t act for herself. She’d thought she and Alex had been communicating like two adults just now, but she’d thought wrong!

Bristling with the heat of anger she muttered, “If that were the case, I wouldn’t have come out here, would I?”

Turning on her heel, she started to retrace her steps, but Alex moved faster. In the next breath his hands had closed around her upper arms, pulling her back against his chest. “Why did you come?” he asked in a silky voice.

With his warm breath against her neck, too many sensations bombarded her at once. The solid pounding of his heart changed the momentum of hers. Aware of his fingers making ever-increasing rotations against her skin through her top, she felt a weakness attack her body. Pleasure pains ran down her arms to her hands.

“I—I wanted to thank you.” She could hardly get the words out.

“For what?” he demanded, turning her around, causing her head to loll back. His dark gaze pierced hers. “That sounded like you’re leaving on a trip. Mind telling me where you’re going?”

“The landfill? It may be a French one, but I can still think of more romantic places.”

“Dana.” His voice grated.

Of course he already knew the answer to his own question, but his male mouth was too close. Her ache for him had turned into painful desire. She needed to do something quick before she forgot what they were talking about.

“I should have taken your advice before you went to so much trouble for me.” She tried to ease away from him, but he didn’t relinquish his hold. “My only consolation is that it’s one room less you’ll have to clean and furnish once you get started on the inside of the château.”

Those black eyes roved over her features with increasing intensity. “You knew your father wasn’t going to approve. What’s changed?”

Dana moistened her lips nervously. “Remember the old saying about picking your battles?” She noticed a small nerve throbbing at the corner of his mouth. In other circumstances she’d love to press her lips to it. “This one isn’t important.”

She kept trying for a little levity, hoping it would help. It didn’t. Her comment had the opposite effect of producing a smile. Some kind of struggle was going on inside him before his hands dropped away with seeming reluctance.

This was the moment to make her exit. “See you around, Alex.”

Needing to put distance between them, she went back to the château to pack. It had emptied except for Paul and David. While they were talking in the grand salon, she hurried out to the car with her suitcase and headed for the hotel.

The same woman she’d talked to before smiled at her. “Bonsoir, Mademoiselle Lofgren.”

“Bonsoir, madame. I need the key to room eleven, please.”

Her arched brow lifted. “Eleven? But it is already occupied.”

“I know. My father and I have adjoining rooms.”

“Non, non. A Mademoiselle Brusse checked in a little while ago. I’ve already given her the key.”

Something strange was going on.

“I see. Thank you for your help, madame.”

“Of course.”

Dana grabbed her suitcase and opted for the stairs rather than the lift. Once she reached the next floor, she walked midway down the hall and knocked on her father’s door several times, but he didn’t answer. No doubt he was with Saskia, but this couldn’t wait. She pulled out her cell phone and called him.

“Dana?” He’d picked up on the second ring.

“Hi, Dad. What’s going on? I tried to check in my room, but the desk said Saskia had picked up the key.”

He answered her question with another one. “Where are you?”

“Standing in front of your hotel room door.”

“I’ll be right out.” The line went dead.

Within seconds he joined her in the hall and shut the door behind him. His famous scowl was more pronounced than earlier in the day. “Saskia and I have been having problems, but I can’t afford to end things with her until after the picture’s finished. She doesn’t know my intentions of course.”

Dana was glad her father was coming to his senses for his own sake.

“She begged me to let her stay in the adjoining room while we work out our differences.”
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