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Cinderella on His Doorstep / Accidentally Expecting!: Cinderella on His Doorstep

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An ornate, mural-size mirror with a rococo-style gilt frame hung on the wall opposite the tub, another sybaritic element of the château. A gasp escaped her lips when she stood up and saw herself reflected full-size. She had a mirror on the back of the door at home, but it was in her bedroom and seemed miniscule in comparison.

One more look at herself was a reminder that only a few days of enjoying the food they’d bought and she’d put on five pounds just like that!

Discipline, Dana. Self-control.

On the way back to the room in her robe, she repeated the motto that went for other things besides food. Like other people for instance. No, not other people. Just one person.

She clutched the lapels of her robe tighter. A man like no one else.

When she entered the room she could hear her phone vibrating on the dresser. Maybe it was Alex wondering if she was still alive. Suddenly breathless, she clicked on with a smile. “Bonjour!”

“Is that you, Dana?”

Her father’s voice. What a surprise! “Hi, Dad. How was the flight?” He hated being closed in for long periods.

“Boring.” That meant his girlfriend hadn’t been able to keep him distracted.

“And Saskia?”

“She’s at the Metropole in Angers.”

“You sound tired. Where are you exactly?”

“I’m standing in my room at the Hermitage,” he grumbled. “More to the point, where are you? The concierge said you never came in last night.” He actually noticed?

“That’s right. I’ve decided to stay at the château. It will save me a lot of coming and going.”

Alex had the strange idea she was under her father’s thumb. If he only knew the truth, that her father didn’t think much about her at all. There was nothing to handle, but her host had insinuated something else and it rankled.

“I thought it was deserted.”

“Not completely.” She started brushing her hair. “The owner lives here. He’s been very accommodating and made an allowance for me. After you’ve slept a few hours, drive over to the château in your rental car and I’ll meet you at the gate.”

There was a noticeable silence, then he said, “I’m coming now.”

Clearly he couldn’t wait to see if she’d pulled through for him. Everything hinged on her find.

“In that case let me go over the directions with you.” Without Saskia in tow, he could walk around and think in peace. “See you shortly.”

Once she’d pulled on jeans and a short-sleeved cotton top in an aqua color, she finished doing her hair and put on lipstick. Slipping her feet into her favorite leather sandals, she grabbed her phone and left the room. Later, after her father had gotten a feel for the estate, she would feed him a late lunch in the kitchen before he went back to the hotel.

Last evening she’d only had a brief glimpse of the salon. Today the door was closed. Alex could be inside at the computer, but in all probability he was out hacking away at his private jungle.

This was the way it should be. Out of sight, out of mind. Didn’t she wish!

She stepped out into a day that seemed hotter than yesterday, but she hadn’t noticed because the interior of the château was cooler. It felt like being in a cathedral to walk beneath the trees. Here and there sunlight dappled their branches.

As she continued on, the crunch of her feet on the leaves must have startled some squirrels. They chattered before she saw them scamper up a trunk and disappear. She was still laughing in pure pleasure when she came upon Alex at the gate.

He was down on his haunches in jeans and another thin white T-shirt, fastening something to the wrought iron. She could see the play of muscle across his shoulders. Her heart thudded so hard she was positive he could hear it.

“Sleeping Beauty at last,” he murmured, scrutinizing her from head to toe with eyes so dark and alive this afternoon, it sent a delicious current of desire through her body.

“You’re getting your princesses mixed up.”

“No—” He went back to fastening a screw with his power drill. “You’re a woman of many parts. I never know which one is going to emerge at any given moment.”

His comment produced a smile from her. “You’re full of it, Alex, but keep it up. By the time I leave here, I’ll be taking a whole host of enchanting memories with me.”

His hands stilled for a moment. “Where are you going next?”

“To a little town on the Rhine in Germany for a month where the last segment of the film will be made.”

He dusted himself off and got to his feet. “Stand back and let’s see if I’ve done this right.” Pulling a remote from his pocket, he pressed the button. The gate took its time, but it clanged shut.

“Bravo. Too bad you didn’t get to work on it sooner. It would have kept me out and forced me to phone you for an appointment.”

Before she could take another breath, he shot her a laserlike glance. “As you’ve already surmised, I didn’t mind the surprise or you wouldn’t be living here.” His comment filled her body with warmth. “But I’ve decided this was necessary to keep out trespassers while the studio is filming every day.” He tossed her the remote. “It’s yours. I have more in the office I’ll give to Paul for anyone who needs one.”

“Thank you.”

She felt his gaze linger on her features. “Were you looking for me?”

Dana sucked in her breath. “No. My father’s on his way over from the hotel. I told him I’d meet him here.”

As if talking about him conjured him up, a red rental car appeared and came to a halt. Before Alex said anything that would remind her of his parting words last night, she pressed the button on the remote and the gate swung open.

“Hi, Dad. Drive on through.”

He nodded his balding head and did her bidding. Once he’d passed through, he stopped the car and got out. Solid, yet lithe, he’d dressed in his favorite gray work slacks and matching crew neck shirt. His blue eyes, several shades darker than hers, gave them both a stare that others might consider fierce, but Dana was used to it.

“Dad, I’d like you to meet Monsieur Alexandre Martin, the owner of the estate.”

“Monsieur.” The two men shook hands.

“Call me Alex. I’ve seen several of your films which I found remarkable. It’s a privilege to meet you.”

“Thank you. Your English is excellent.”

“He’s part Australian, Dad.”

“Ah. That explains the particular nuance I couldn’t identify.”

“Unlike your accent in English that no one could ever mistake for anything but Svenska,” Dana quipped.

“Too true.” His hooded gaze darted back and forth between her and Alex before he addressed him. “My daughter has convinced me I won’t be disappointed with this location.”

Alex eyed her father through veiled eyes. “Why don’t you take a walk down this road alone. The left fork will bring you to the front of the château. The door’s unlocked. Take all the time you want wandering around. I understand you’d rather do the discovering than be herded.”
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