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Русское искусство II. Неучтенные детали

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Borisova T. S., Ziuzeva S. G. (eds.). Rukopisnye i pechatnye Evangeliya XIII – nachala XX veka v sobranii Muzeev Moskovskogo Kremlia [13

– early 20

century Handwritten and Printed Gospel Books in the Moscow Kremli Museums Collection], vol. 1–3. Moscow: The Moscow Kremlin Museums Publ., 2019. 200+420+324 p.

Dejstviya Nizhegorodskoj gubernskoj uchionoj arhivnoj komissii. Sbornik [Acts of the Nizhny Novgorod scientific committee for archives. Collection]. Vol. 11. Pamiatniki istorii Nizhegorodskogo dvizheniya v epohu Smuty i zemskogo opolcheniya 1611–1612 gg. [Historical Monuments of the Nizhny Novgorod Actions during the Time of Troubles and Home Militia of 1611–1612]. Nizhny Novgorod, 1912. 570 p.

Dul’skij P. M. Pamiatniki kazanskoj stariny [Ancient Monuments of Kazan’]. Kazan: S. V. Solomin Publ., 1914. 232 p.

Isajevych Ia. D. Two Rare Russian Books in the Collections of the New York Public Library // Solanus. International journal for Russian and East European bibliographic, library and publishing studies. New Series. Vol. 4. 1990. P. 76–86.

Kalishevich Z. E. Hudozhestvennaya masterskaya Posol’skogo prikaza v XVII v. i rol’ zolotopiscev v ee sozdanii i deyatel’nosti [Art Workshop of the Ambassadorial Prikaz in the 17

century and Role of Chrysographs in its Creation and Activities] // Russkoye gosudarstvo v XVII v.: novye yavleniya v sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoj, politicheskoj i kul’turnoj zhizni [The Russian State in the 17

century: new phenomena of social, economical, political and cultural life]. Moscow: The USSR Academy of Sciences Publ., 1961. P. 392–411.

Komashko N. I., Katkova S. S. (eds.). Kostromskaya ikona XIII–XIX vekov [Kostroma Icons of the 13

– 19

centuries]. Moscow: Grand-Holding Publ., 2004. 672 p.

Kondrashkina E. S. Kodikologiya licevyh liturgicheskih rukopisej Moskvy rubezha XVI–XVII vekov. Diss. … kand. istoricheskih nauk [Codicology of the late 16

– early 17

century Moscow Illuminated Manuscripts. PhD dissertation in history]. Moscow: Russian State University for Humanities, 1996. 217 p.

Lebedianskaya A. P. Miniatiura-illustraciya v pervopechatnoj russkoj knige (po materialam GPB) [Miniature Illustrations of the Early Russian Printed books. Based on the State Public Library Collections] // Hronika Leningradskogo obshchestva bibliofilov [Chronicle of the Leningrad Society of Bibliophiles]. Leningrad: Society of Bibliophiles Publ., 1931. P. 48–50.

Leontyeva S. I., Nechayeva G. G. Knizhnaya kul’tura. Vetka [Book Culture of Vetka]. Minsk: Belaruskaya enciklopediya Publ., 2013. 528 p.

Liovochkin I. V. Sredneshriftovoye bezvyhodnoe Evangeliye is Muzejnogo sobraniya GBL [The “middle font” Anonymous Gospel from the Museum Collection of the State Lenin Library] // Zapiski otdela rukopisej. Gosudarstvennaya biblioteka SSSR im. V.I. Lenina [Proceedings of the Manuscripts Department, USSR State Lenin Library]. Vol. 49. Moscow: State Lenin Library Publ., 1990. P. 245–248.

Liovochkin I. V. Ocherki po istorii russkoj rukopisnoj knigi XI–XVI vv. [Essays on History of the 11


century Russian Manuscripts]. Moscow: Pashkov Dom Publ., 2009. 264 p.

Lisejtsev D. V. Posol’skij prikaz v epohu Smuty [The Ambassadorial Prikaz during the Time of Troubles]. Moscow: Institute of Russian History Publ., 2003. 488 p.

Lukomskij V. K. Zhalovannye gramoty XVII i XVIII vekov [The 17

and 18

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Martynova M. V. Evangeliye Arhangel’skogo sobora [The Gospel from the Archangel Cathedral] // Rossiya i hristianskij Vostok. Sbornik statej [Russia and Christian East. Collected Papers], vol. 2–3. Moscow: Indrik Publ., 2004. P. 149–154.

Mniova N. E. Izografy Oruzhejnoj palaty i ih iskusstvo ukrashenija knigi (Icon Painters of the Armory Chamber and their Art of the Book Decoration) // Oruzhejnaya palata Moskovskogo Kremlia. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov [The Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. Collected researches]. Moscow: Iskusstvo Publ., 1954. P. 217–245.

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– 17

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Platonov E. V., Mal’ceva O. N., Kudryavcev S. A. Staropechatnaja kirillicheskaja kniga XVI–XVII vekov. Katalog kollekcii. Gosudarstvennyj Ermitazh [Printed Cyrillic Books of the 16

– 17

centuries. Catalogue of the State Hermitage Collection]. Saint Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publ., 2016. 344 p.

Pozdeeva I. V., Kashkarova I. D., Lerenman M. M. Katalog knig kirillicheskoj pechati XV–XVII vv. Nauchnoj biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta [Catalogue of the 15

– 17

century Cyrillic books in the Moscow State University Scientific Library]. Moscow: The Moscow State University Publ., 1980. 360 p.

Pozdeeva I. V., Pushkov V. P., Dadykin A. V. Moscovskij Pechatnyj dvor – fakt i faktor russkoj kultury. 1618–1652 gg. Ot vosstanovleniya posle gibeli v Smutnoye vremia do patriarha Nikona. Issledovaniya i materialy [The Moscow Printing House as Fact and Factor of Russian Culture. 1618–1652. From regeneration after destruction during the Time of Trouble to the Patriarch Nikon’s period]. Moscow: Mosgorarhiv Publ., 2001. 544 p.

Preobrazhenskij A. S. Russkiye miniatiury v grecheskih rukopisiah rubezha XVI–XVII vekov i licevyje godunovskie Evangeliya iz Ipatievskogo monastyria [Russian Miniatures in the late 16

– early 17

century Greek Manuscripts and illuminated Gospel codices donated by the Godunov family to the Ipatievski Monastery] // Moskovskij Kreml’ i epoha Borisa Godunova. Nauchnaya konferenciya. 11–13 noyabria 2015 goda. Tezisy dokladov [The Moscow Kremlin and the Epoch of Boris Godunov. Scientific conference. Preliminary papers]. Moscow: The Moscow Kremlin Museums Publ., 2015. P. 39–41.

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Romanovy. Nachalo dinastii. K 400-letiyu izbraniya na carstvo Mihaila Fedorovicha Romanova. Gosudarstvennyj Istoricheskij muzej [The Romanovs. Beginning of the Dynasty. To the 400

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Shapilova E. V. Evangeliya Moskovskogo pechatnogo dvora v istorii knizhnoj kul’tury Rossii 20–60-h gg. XVII v. Diss. … kand. istoricheskih nauk [The Gospel Books of the Moscow Printing House and their Place in the Russian Book Culture, 1620s – 1660s. PhD in history]. Ryazan: Ryazan State University, 2008. 240 p.
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