Sincerely yours, Maria, Nikolay, Slava and Lisa
Above you can see a picture of mine, my studying group and Ms. Liusvaara after the conference.
I also searched some information about this school on the internet, and here are some positive points:
• One would often hear that the best schools are those that are strict. Finnish schools are not of the kind, they are usually very informal places with teachers and students sharing ideas. They have a unique way dealing with students and this could be the reason why they are so successful.
• Also, Finnish schools seem to have a different philosophy. They believe in equality and making school feel like home. That means that they not only focus on ‘good’ students, but also provide extra assistance and support for students who need it.
• Another reason why the schools may be so successful is the teachers. Teachers in Finland are seen as very important. They are well respected, and the field of education is considered to be a science, with its own methodology and principles. Every teacher studies for at least five years before they can teach.
So, it seems that the Finnish education system has found a ‘formula’ that works successfully in that country. Their example can serve as a model for other countries.
Mistakes to Avoid in Choosing a College
1. Rushing the process. Finding the right college takes time and effort, not to mention research and often a lengthy application process. Waiting until the last minute is never a good idea. It takes the most important factor out of the equation – you.
2. Being a follower. Following a boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend to the college of their choice may seem like a good idea at the time because you want to be near them, but this is one of the most pivotal points in your life, too. You need to remember to make the best decisions for yourself and, if your relationships are strong, they will outlast time and distance anyway.
3. The legacy lure. We are aware of the commandment states “Honor thy father and mother.” However, only considering colleges your parents, siblings or other family members went to in order to follow in their footsteps may not be in your best interest. It is always better to explore your options and find the right fit for your personality.
4. Rebellion. In contrast, only considering colleges your parents DO NOT want you to go is not beneficial either. Sometimes they have some good insight that might help you decide on what is best for you. Never choose a college out of spite. This is sure to lead you down a path of regret. Choose a college based on what you want, not based on what someone else does not.
5. Location, location, location. Whether you are a homebody who wants to stay close or an escape artist who wants to get as far from home as possible, the location should be a factor in choosing a college, not the sole decision maker.
6. Pushy parents. Letting your parents decide which college is right for you or being forced by your parents to attend a certain school is not healthy. You need to think about what you want out of a college. After all, you are the one attending the school.
So… let us say you have a couple of colleges/schools/universities in mind.
In my opinion, there are two things that influence the level of the institution: tutors and authorities (and as tutors are the reflection of authorities, let us consider the characteristics of teachers).
Now to perfectly define which one is YOUR dream institution, you should absolutely explore the process from within, try to penetrate into it and have a small talk with a few tutors. You can usually do it during the open day, but if you are lucky, you probably can do it on a random day, of course, if tutors have time to talk to you.
Teachers. Their way of giving the material to students and how they treat students are the most common issues. But the core is much deeper. Teaching is an extremely hard job and it consists of a number of details, and each one has to be taken into account during a job interview. I define a teacher as a person who is a scientist and a psychologist at the same time. Most teachers usually forget about the psychological part of their job and that is a serious thing. I have interviewed my acquaintances, looked through the internet and defined 6 main qualities of a “PERFECT” teacher.
1. A great teacher respects students. In a great teacher’s classroom, each person’s ideas and opinions are valued.
2. A great teacher is caring. This person is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone in school. This is the teacher who students know they can approach with any problems or concerns at any time or even to share a funny story.
3. A great teacher sets high expectations for all students. This one is actually very important, teachers make 70% of students' motivation for learning, so if a teacher disvalues a student, the latter is likely to give it up. Just trust me. As a student I assure you that by misjudging kids you only make them feel hopeless.
4. A great teacher has his own love of learning and inspires students with his passion for education and for the course material.
5. A great teacher is moderately strict. Teachers like that see the border between discipline and tyranny.
6. A great teacher is a human and understands that you are too. They are capable of showing that they are human beings just like us, and they get it when a student has some struggles.
7. So now we have designated 6 traits of a great teacher, but teachers are not born with these characteristics. To get them they study (on special courses or online) to be a psychologist. And if tutors in the school that you have chosen have these qualities, you have definitely made the right choice.
Do’s and Don’t’s while choosing college:
Rely on reputation. Just because it is a “highly-ranked”, “prestigious” or a “designer” school does not mean it is the right school for you. Do not always assume that the difficulty of getting into the school equates to the quality of education you will receive. Some students need smaller classes and more one-on-one interaction to thrive in a learning environment.
Be a follower. Following a boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend to the college of their choice may seem like a good idea at the time because you want to be near them, but this may mislead you.
Obey Pushy parents. Letting your parents decide which college is right for you or being forced by your parents to attend a certain school is not a good idea. You need to think about what you want to obtain from a college. After all, you are the one attending the school.
Choose a major for the wrong reasons.
Along the same lines, make sure you do not choose a major for the wrong reasons. Some students decide to be a doctor or a lawyer just because it “sounds good” or prestigious, or because it suggests a wealthy future.
Be afraid to make mistakes.
If you make a mistake, embrace it and learn from it. What is a little downfall to a lifetime of success?
Consider Professional orientation. Choose a college which can offer you the widest area in your profile.
Count qualities of innovative schools;
• Educational (Learning), Facilities (Laboratories, libraries, halls, campus, technology, accommodation/meals)
• New Learning Methods and PHILOSOPHY (Problem method, method of project training, global contexts)
• Socializing (Teamwork, collaborations, etc.)
Count teachers as a reflection of school’s genuine quality
• Teachers are considered very important. Their way of giving the material to students and how they treat students are the most common issues. Every teacher SHOULD study for at least five years before they can teach.
Do your research
Explore and investigate as deep as you can, you never know too much about an institution you are going to enter. This knowledge will only help you.
Meet with academic advisors
Once you are enrolled at a college or university, you can make use of excellent resources like academic advisors (also called college counselors).
While working on this project I explored a lot of different materials and underlined everything most important and useful. I took all the significant points and ultimately created a booklet. I hope that the information from this booklet will help students define THEIR perfect college/school/university.
Subsequently, I am going to work on this project and make another booklet which will give more detailed information on the topic and will give examples of institutions to choose.