“How do you mean, careful?”
“Oh, just careful. Still, of course, he may not have a gun.”
“Well, dash it,” I said, “I shall have to go down and talk to him. That door will be splitting asunder soon.”
“Don’t get close to him.”
“I won’t.”
“He was a great wrestler when he was a young man.”
“You needn’t tell me any more about your father.”
“Is there anywhere I can hide?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know why not,” I replied. “They don’t build these country cottages with secret rooms and underground passages. When you hear me open the front door, stop breathing.”
“Do you want me to suffocate?”
I did not reply and hurried down the stairs and flung open the front door. Well, when I say “flung”, I opened it a matter of six inches.
“Hallo?” I said. “Yes?”
“Oy!” said a voice. “What’s the matter with you, young man? Deaf or something?”
It wasn’t the voice of J. Washburn Stoker.
“Frightfully sorry,” I said. “I was thinking of this and that. Sort of reverie, if you know what I mean.”
The voice spoke again.
“Oh, I beg your pardon, sir. I thought you was the young man Brinkley.”
“Brinkley’s out,” I said, “Who are you?”
“Sergeant Voules, sir.”
I opened the door. It was pretty dark outside, but I could recognize the arm of the Law.
“Ah, Sergeant!” I said. “Anything I can do for you, Sergeant?”
My eyes were getting accustomed to the darkness by this time, and I was enabled to see another policeman. Tall and lean, this one.
“This is my young nephew, sir. Constable Dobson[61 - Dobson – Добсон].”
“Ah, Dobson!” I said.
“Are you aware, sir, that there’s a window broke at the back of your residence? My young nephew here saw it and thought best to wake me up and have me investigate. A ground-floor window, sir.”
“Oh, that? Yes, Brinkley did that yesterday. Silly ass!”
“You knew about it, then, sir?”
“Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Quite all right, Sergeant.”
“Well, you know best if it’s quite all right, sir, but I should say there was a danger of thieves getting through.”
And at this point Dobson said, “I thought I saw a thief getting through, Uncle Ted.”
“What! Then why didn’t you tell me before, you young muttonhead[62 - muttonhead – баранья башка]? And don’t call me Uncle Ted when we’re on duty.”
“No, Uncle Ted.”
“You’d best let us make a search of the house, sir,” said Sergeant Voules.
“Certainly not, Sergeant,” I said. “Quite out of the question[63 - Quite out of the question. – Об этом не может идти и речи.].”
“It would be wiser, sir.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, “but it can’t be done.”
He seemed discontented.
“Good night, sir.”
“Good night.”
I shut the door and came back to the bedroom. Pauline was sitting up in bed.
“Who was it?”
“What did they want?”
“Apparently they saw you getting in.”
“What a lot of trouble I’m giving you, Bertie.”
“Oh, no. Only too pleased. Well, I suppose I must go away.”
“Are you going?”
“I shall go to the garage,” I replied.