Stress And Trauma In Pandemic Times
Paul Valent
Juan Moisés De La Serna
People frequently say that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Yet from a bird’s eye point of view it has similarities with other pandemics, even other illnesses, and with other stresses and traumas. In fact, each situation of stress and trauma illuminates all the others. People frequently say that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Yet from a bird’s eye point of view it has similarities with other pandemics, even other illnesses, and with other stresses and traumas. In fact, each situation of stress and trauma illuminates all the others. We are on the cusp of a science of stress and trauma. In this book we indicate how the current pandemic interweaves with that science, both benefiting and contributing to it. In other words, though in this pandemic each person and community feel that their sufferings are unique, in fact they overlap with other areas of suffering that can provide benefit to our collective wisdom. In this book two scientists from different parts of the world have come together to meld their knowledge of stress and trauma and apply it, together with their current observations, to understanding of the pandemic. Reciprocally, because all traumatic situations overlap, lessons from the pandemic will benefit other situations of stress and trauma. Thus the contents of this book are relevant to every traumatic situation. The book is laid out in the following. Chapter 1 considers previous traumatic situations, while chapter 2 compares them with the pandemic. Chapter 3 introduces stress and trauma terms and applies them to the pandemic. Chapters 4-6 explore the range of stress and trauma processes and consequences all the way from cellular to international levels. Chapter 7 explores the dialectic between death and resilience, while chapter 8 summarises the previous chapters. Finally, chapter 9 applies stress and trauma understanding to amelioration and treatment of COVID-19 consequences.
Stress and Trauma
In Pandemic Times
Paul Valent
Juan Moisés de la Serna
Editorial Tektime
“Stress and Trauma in Pandemic Times”
Writed by Paul Valent & Juan Moisés de la Serna
1st edition: January 2021
© Juan Moisés de la Serna, 2021
© Tektime Editions, 2021
All rights reserved
Distributed by Tektime
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About the authors:
Paul Valent
Paul Valent was born in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1938. He and his parents survived the Holocaust in Hungary. In 1949 the family emigrated to Australia.
Valent completed his medical studies in 1962, and his psychiatric studies in London in 1967. Back in Australia from 1970 Valent worked in emergency departments of major hospitals and in private practice until 2002.
He developed special interests in psychosomatic medicine, and stress and trauma. He founded and was later president of the Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and founded and was president of the Child Survivors of the Holocaust group in Melbourne.
Valent has written numerous books, papers, and chapters related to psychotherapy and trauma ( His latest work was Mental Health in the Times of the Pandemic, a precursor to this book.
Juan Moisés de la Serna
Juan Moisés de la Serna has a PhD in Psychology and a Master of Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology. Online Adjunct Faculty.
Nowadays, his research focuses on Potential Factors Influencing COVID-19, and Short- & Long-Term Psychological and Neurological complications after SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans.
In the base of, he was the most read author in Spain in 2020.
Spanish Popular Science Writer, de la Serna has published more than thirty books on Psychology and Neuroscience Topics including AD; PD; ASD; ADHD; EQ; MSD; HiQ.
In 2020 he wrote Psychological Aspects in time of Pandemic and A Psychological Perspective of the Health Personnel in Times of Pandemic.
People frequently say that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Yet from a bird’s eye point of view it has similarities with other pandemics, even other illnesses, and with other stresses and traumas. In fact, each situation of stress and trauma illuminates all the others.
We are on the cusp of a science of stress and trauma. In this book we indicate how the current pandemic interweaves with that science, both benefiting and contributing to it. In other words, though in this pandemic each person and community feel that their sufferings are unique, in fact they overlap with other areas of suffering that can provide benefit to our collective wisdom.
In this book two scientists from different parts of the world have come together to meld their knowledge of stress and trauma and apply it, together with their current observations, to understanding of the pandemic.
Reciprocally, because all traumatic situations overlap, lessons from the pandemic will benefit other situations of stress and trauma. Thus the contents of this book are relevant to every traumatic situation.
The book is laid out in the following. Chapter 1 considers previous traumatic situations, while chapter 2 compares them with the pandemic. Chapter 3 introduces stress and trauma terms and applies them to the pandemic. Chapters 4-6 explore the range of stress and trauma processes and consequences all the way from cellular to international levels. Chapter 7 explores the dialectic between death and resilience, while chapter 8 summarises the previous chapters. Finally, chapter 9 applies stress and trauma understanding to amelioration and treatment of COVID-19 consequences.
Dedicated to all victims of THE COVID-19 pandemic.
Chapter I. Different stress and trauma situations - disasters, wars, Holocaust, etc. (#ulink_5d43df58-f42f-55c9-a4d2-a093a578928e)
Chapter II. The current Global Health Crisis: is the pandemic a global stress and trauma situation? (#ulink_270ec8fe-6c3d-5408-8f72-dfaba47f4c5f)
Chapter III. The Language of Stress and Trauma; Its Application to the Pandemic. (#ulink_d7c16dc1-78c3-59f0-a666-8cbc5b026dd7)
Chapter IV. Starting to Make Sense of the Pandemic’s Consequences (#ulink_f0120676-c5b0-5e4f-88ec-dadc13499527)
Chapter V. Processes that Make Sense of the Pandemic’s Consequences. (#ulink_470db9b3-5c98-5fca-b4b5-74bba1df4bc1)
Chapter VI. Pandemic Consequences: From Cells to International Politics (#ulink_7bcda027-e35a-507f-a6e0-db0063c31b28)
Chapter VII. Death and Resilience. (#ulink_c1fc71de-ad75-57b5-acd0-14a3fbefa90d)
Chapter VIII. General Understanding of Pandemic Stresses and Traumas. Summary. (#ulink_f58ea183-1af4-5dee-8a48-10c62f953280)
Chapter IX. Amelioration and Treatment of COVID-19 Consequences (#ulink_8f623429-7aad-59c4-9e77-5ebc5e6f2d27)
Chapter I. Different stress and trauma situations - disasters, wars, Holocaust, etc.
Paul Valent
The COVID-19 pandemic reared its head at the beginning of 2020. Well, we thought initially, another corona virus, no worse than other colds and influenzas, so we hoped and denied. Until it engulfed us, and then we were counting the numbers of infected and dead.