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The Rebel Surgeon's Proposal

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The Rebel Surgeon's Proposal
Margaret McDonagh

Enter into the world of high-flying Doctors as they navigate the pressures of modern medicine and find escape, passion, comfort and love – in each other’s arms!From rebel…to surgeon… to perfect husband! Nicknamed ‘the ice maiden’, Francesca Scott has kept men at arm’s length – ever since bad-boy Luke Devlin walked out of her life. Tarnished by the reputation of his family, Luke left Strathlocan.Now a surgeon, he’s back – and determined to put his rebellious reputation behind him. Realising that beautiful Francesca is the best thing that ever happened to him, Luke has returned to Strathlochan to face his past and claim Francesca as his bride once and for all!Margaret McDonagh welcomes you back to Strathlochan Hospital

Praise for Medical™ Romance authorMargaret McDonagh:

‘This is such a beautiful, wonderfully told and poignant story that I truly didn’t want it to end. Margaret McDonagh is an exceptional writer of romantic fiction, and with VIRGIN MIDWIFE, PLAYBOY DOCTOR she will tug at your heartstrings, make you cry, and leave you breathless!’ —The Pink Heart Society Reviews

‘Romance does not get any better than this! Margaret McDonagh is a writer readers can always count on to deliver a story that’s poignant, emotional and spellbinding, and AN ITALIAN AFFAIR is no exception!’ —CataRomance.com

It had to be her. He had never seenanyone else with such incredible hair.

His gut tightened as his gaze zeroed in on the back of the woman with the riot of red tresses that fell like a stream of fire to her waist. Old memories, old hurts, old desires stirred within him. He took a moment to breathe deeply and acknowledge the fact that Francesca was really here, that he was close to her after so long. A combination of fate and planning had brought him back to Strathlochan.

And to Francesca Scott.

Luke allowed himself the luxury of savouring the sight of her. Even dressed in her unflattering uniform of white tunic and trousers, she stood out, her five- foot-nine-inch height, shapely figure and eye-catching hair making her impressive and impossible to ignore. She was even more gorgeous than his imagination had suggested she would be. But ten years was a long time. The timid sixteen-year-old girl had matured into a stunning woman.

He ached to touch her, to find out how good she felt now.

But every thought went out of his head when she turned her head and looked at him. All he saw were those remarkable silver-grey eyes—eyes that for years had haunted his dreams and instantly made his insides slam with need. Eyes that widened now in stunned recognition.


‘Hello, Chessie.’

Margaret McDonagh says of herself: ‘I began losing myself in the magical world of books from a very young age, and I always knew that I had to write, pursuing the dream for over twenty years, often with cussed stubbornness in the face of rejection letters! Despite having numerous romance novellas, short stories and serials published, the news that my first “proper book” had been accepted by Harlequin Mills & Boon for their Medical™ Romance line brought indescribable joy! I love developing new characters, getting to know them and setting them challenges to overcome. The hardest part is saying goodbye to them, because they become so real to me. And I always fall in love with my heroes! Writing and reading books, keeping in touch with friends, watching sport and meeting the demands of my four-legged companions keeps me well occupied. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I loved writing it. www.margaretmcdonagh.com margaret.mcdonagh@yahoo.co.uk

Dear Reader

I cannot believe that THE REBEL SURGEON’S PROPOSAL is my tenth Medical™ Romance for Mills & Boon, and my eighth set in and around my fictional world of Strathlochan in rural Scotland. It all began back in October 2006, when my first Medical, THE ITALIAN DOCTOR’S BRIDE, was published. One of the things I love so much about writing these loosely linked stories is never saying a final goodbye to characters I have come to love so much. Each book stands alone, but I hope the feeling of community and interconnected lives is something that you enjoy as a reader, too.

It is now the turn of Strathlochan Hospital’s diagnostic radiographer, Francesca Scott to step out from the shadows. We also meet Luke Devlin, the man who hopes to make her future very different.

Luke and Francesca come from very different backgrounds but they gravitated together growing up… both loners, both having problems at home, both on the outside looking in. Theirs was an unusual friendship, but important to them both. Until they were parted as teenagers ten years ago.

A chance meeting begins this story, sparking a chain of events which brings the past crashing back. Now a surgeon, Luke has a promising career ahead of him—but what matters most is claiming Francesca, and he’ll do whatever is necessary to achieve his goal.

Next in line to tell their stories will be Rico and Ruth and Gus and Holly. I hope you will come along for the ride as these dedicated and caring medical professionals face up to their private fears and personal issues, finding love and happiness in Strathlochan.








www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

Special thanks to all the following,

who have given me so much support and

encouragement, kindness and care…

Jo, Anne, Richard, Chris, Sue H, Liz, Lorraine,

Pam, Maggie, Sue S, Sandy,

Gwen, Gill, Sue R,

Fiona, Lesley, Jennifer, Jackie, Irene and Christine

You are all appreciated beyond words



‘FRANCESCA? My goodness, lass, is that you?’

After responding to a call from the A and E department to carry out a series of emergency X-rays on a road-accident victim, Francesca Scott was returning to the radiology unit when she heard someone call her name. Glancing round, she saw an older woman sitting in a wheelchair at one side of the reception area, separate from the handful of other people who were awaiting attention. Recognition dawned as Francesca observed the plump figure, her gaze travelling over a rounded face framed by short grey curls. A familiar face that was kindly and surprisingly unlined by the ravages of a difficult life…a face that now bore the signs of bruises that had Francesca’s stomach twisting into knots and suspicion sending warning bells ringing in her mind.

Old memories flowed, fast and furious, nearly overwhelming her, making her feel hesitant, vulnerable, taking her back to the girl she had been ten years ago rather than the woman she had since fought to become. Part of her wanted to run, to push the myriad of scary emotions away, but she could never turn her back on the woman who had recognised her and reached out to her. Feeling as if she was crossing some unbridgable chasm to an unknown destination rather than a few feet of floor space, Francesca closed the distance separating them. As she sat on a chair beside the woman, she studied the bruising and noted the way she was cradling her right arm in a sling.

‘Hello, Mrs Devlin.’

A smile bloomed, bringing a twinkle to faded green eyes that displayed pleasure and warmth, making her look much younger than her sixty-three years. ‘It’s wonderful to see you, Francesca!’

‘Thank you. And you. I wouldn’t have wanted you to be here under these circumstances, though.’ Trying to keep barriers erected against anything personal, or anything related to the past, Francesca focused on Sadie Devlin’s injuries and why she had been left alone. ‘Have you been seen, or are you waiting for an X-ray?’

‘I’m not sure what’s happening. The nurse who brought me here from Casualty went off to talk to a friend and hasn’t come back. She’s a bit of a flighty one.’ The admission was made with a mix of wry amusement and a hint of frustration.

Francesca cursed under her breath, pretty sure who the culprit was. ‘Do you know her name?’

‘Olivia, I think. Dyed blonde hair, lots of make-up.’

It figured. She tried to hide her annoyance at wretched Olivia Barr, who had no doubt gone off after some man who had caught her fancy. ‘Is that the X-ray request form?’ she asked, gesturing to the slip the older woman held in her lap.

‘Yes, that’s right. Shall I give it to you?’

‘Please.’ Francesca stood up. ‘I’ll find out what’s going on and get you booked in.’
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