3 Dradjo has been sat in the fridge since he was hatched.
4 They have be making a tree-house for a month.
5 They have been preparing for the trip for yesterday
6 How long have they been packing?
Choose the correct option:
1 Kudjo ***** about going to that cave for a long time.
a is thinking
b thinks
c has been thinking
2 They ***** to reveal the mystery of the egg tomorrow.
a are going
b go
c have been going
3 Kudjo’s paws ***** because he ***** all day long.
a hurt / has been running
b hurt / was running
c hurted / ran
4 They ***** since early this morning.
a are gardening
b garden
c have been gardening
5 They are covered in mud. They ***** football in the rain.
a are playing
b have been playing
c played
6 Kudjo ***** this book to his pet every evening.
a has been reading
b reads
c is reading
Translate the story:
Куджо уже давно пытается узнать, как появилось яйцо с драконом в пещере. Он очень полюбил своего питомца и Драджо выглядит счастливым рядом с ним. Но время от времени дракончик грустит, потому что он хочет отыскать своих родителей и понять, как он очутился в той пещере один и где его настоящие мама с папой. Все сегодняшнее утро они проговорили о поисках следов семьи дракона и только что решили отправиться в ту саму пещеру, чтобы найти хоть какие-нибудь следы. Итак, они собираются отправиться в путь завтра рано утром.
(продолжение следует)
Unit 3
The Present Perfect Simple versus The Present Perfect Continuous
We use Present Perfect Continuous to indicate actions and situations that started in the past and are continuing now while Present Perfect Simple shows completed actions.
We have been reading the book since the morning.
(We started and are still doing it)
что делаем? – читаем
We have read this book. (You can borrow it.)
что сделали? – прочитали
Generally, the focus of this tense is on duration while the focus of Present Perfect Simple on the result:
He has been tidying the house for three hours.
He has already tidied the house.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:
1 Kudjo /count/ treats. One is missing.
2 Kudjo /sleep/ since the morning walk.
3 They /build/ a tree-house. There’s a terrible mess around.