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English Grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 2

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Choose the correct option:

1 Kudjo ***** up with the name for his pet – Dradjo.

a has just come

b is just coming

c had just come

2 Dradjo and Kudjo ***** Monopoly when Chilly came to see them.

a are playing

b played

c were playing

3 Dradjo ***** new commands by the age of three months.

a has learnt

b had learnt

c learns

4 Dradjo and Kudjo ***** a mind-blowing party for all their neighbors next Sunday.

a are going to throw

b will throw

c threw

5 Nobody ***** how Dradjo’s egg appeared in the cave.

a knowed

b know

c knows


Translate the continuation of the story:

К концу первого месяца Куджо научил своего питомца многим вещам.

«Не называй меня мамочкой.»

«Не клади лапы на стол.»

«Не выпускай пламя из пасти.»

«Не облизывай гостей.»

«Не храпи.»

Это было трудно, но Драджо был готов делать все, что скажет его хозяин, тем более, если у него в лапе была какая-нибудь вкусняшка.

Вчера Куджо начал учить своего питомца собачьему языку, а сегодня Драджо уже знал 100 слов!

    (продолжение следует)

Unit 2

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Настоящее совершенное длительное время

This tense is used:

• for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present.

They have been playing «catch me, Monster’ since early morning. (They’re still playing.)

• for past actions of certain duration which have visible results or effects, in the present.

– Kudjo is very tired. He has been teaching his pet all day long.

• to express irritation, anger, annoyance, explanation or criticism.

– Who has been eating my treats? (showing anger)

• to put emphasis on duration, usually with for, since or how long.

– I’ve been teaching him since yesterday.

• The form is: Subject + have / has been + verb -ing.

– Kudjo has been trying to feed his pet since the morning.


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous:

1 Dradjo /protect/ Kudjo’s sleep since lunch.

2 Kudjo /train/ Dradjo for three months.
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