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Unexpected Family

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“It’s about Stephanie.”

“Are you two getting back together?” She might as well have asked if he was sacrificing animals on the weekend.

“No. Nope.” He shook his head. “No.”

She exhaled loudly, her hand dropping from her lips to her chest. “Oh.”

He furrowed his forehead. That’s how his family viewed Stephanie—as someone Tom should avoid. And why wouldn’t they? He’d bad-mouthed her enough after she left him. Not five minutes ago he’d smeared her past to his dad. He shouldn’t have. He’d worked hard to overcome the bitterness, to own up to his part in their botched relationship.

And the tenderness in Stephanie’s voice when she spoke of Macy, the way she’d tucked Macy’s hair behind her ear at McDonald’s, the fact she’d finally told him he had a daughter? It all tempted him to defend her. Which made no sense. One minute he was furious with her, and now he wanted to shield her?

“I found out—”

“Who’s ready to eat?” Aunt Sally and the rest of the family entered the cottage in their usual noisy fashion. His brother and roommate, Bryan, two years younger than him, then their baby sister, Libby, chattered behind her husband, Jake. His youngest brother, Sam, zoomed straight to the living room and claimed the remote. Claire glided over to her husband, Reed, when he came in. And last but not least, Uncle Joe heaved warmers of food into the kitchen. The large, open living room and kitchen had high ceilings, hardwood floors and comfortable furniture. Felt like home. When Granddad was alive, it practically was home.

Good a place as any to make an announcement. Macy would be part of their lives, too. This cottage, this family—she was part of the Sheffields, and he’d make sure she knew it.

Tom cleared his throat and raised his arms. Everyone turned to him. “Before we eat, I have something to tell you.”

“Can’t it wait until after Aunt Sally’s chicken?” Sam yelled from the couch.

Grinning, Aunt Sally waved her hand. “Let the boy talk.”

The boy. Tom had turned thirty-one this summer. Hardly a boy. His family continued to call him by his childhood nickname, Tommy, although he’d politely reminded them for years that his name was Tom.

“Go ahead, son.” Dad gave a firm nod.

Words chased each other around his brain. “I saw Stephanie earlier.”

“What? If you say you’re getting back together with her...” Libby popped a hand on her hip, her blond ponytail swishing in the process.

“No, I’m not getting back with her.” He glared at her. “She was in a car accident, and she came to the house. She told me...” He searched the sea of faces, full of questions, mostly encouraging, and his mouth went dry. His fingers curled around the edge of a dining chair. “I have a daughter.”

A collective gasp filled the air, then hung there until complete silence suffocated the room.

“A little girl?” Aunt Sally’s expression morphed from shocked to deliriously happy. “Did you hear that, everyone? We have a baby to spoil!”

Picking up on her cue, everyone murmured and nodded, although not nearly as enthusiastic as his aunt.

Dad clapped for silence. “I, for one, can’t wait to meet her.” He turned to face Tom. “We’ll do everything we can to support you and help out.”

His siblings rushed to him.

“When did you find out?” Bryan asked.

“A few hours ago,” Tom said.

“And you’re just accepting her word on this?” Bryan’s tone was accusing.

He drew his shoulders back. “If you have something to say, say it.”

“She ruined your life once, and what do you know? She’s found a way to ruin it again.”

“I don’t consider finding out I have a daughter to be ruining my life.”

Bryan shrugged. “Whatever, man. I’m trying to look out for you.”

“Congratulations.” Sam jostled between them. “I think.”

Libby bumped Sam to the side. “Are you kidding me? I am this close—” she held her finger and thumb a sliver away from each other “—to hunting Stephanie down and telling her what I think—”

“Libby.” Jake tugged on her arm. “Not the time or place.”

She clamped her mouth shut, eyelashes reaching to the ceiling. “Fine.”

Aunt Sally threw her arms around Tom. Then she stepped back and placed her hands on his cheeks, her dangling pumpkin earrings jingling as she grinned. “I’m thanking God extra tonight that He’s led you to your baby. What a blessing.”

The truth of her statement hit him like a kettlebell to the chest. “It is a blessing, isn’t it?”

“The circumstances are less than ideal. I know. I know.” She patted his cheek. “I’ve had bitter times. They can eat away at your soul. As hard as it might be, I hope you’ll try to focus on the positive. What’s the little sweetheart’s name?”


“Macy,” she said, tears forming in her eyes. “What a pretty name. I’m going shopping tomorrow to buy her some outfits.” She drew her palms together. “I’ll just guess at the sizes.”

“She’s four and about this tall.” Tom held his hand above his knee. “If that helps.”

She winked. “It does.”

A yank on his arm got his attention. Claire. “Come on.” She pulled him out to the deck, where the sun had dropped to a glowing mound on the horizon.

Bryan followed them. “Is this a private conversation?” Attitude cut through each word.

Tom’s jaw tightened as he peered at Claire, concerned, then Bryan, livid. “Don’t act like a baby.” He stalked over to the deck rail and peered out at the darkening sky. “I don’t know what to do.”

The sliding door swooshed, and Libby and Sam joined them.

“Of all the rotten things she did to you, this is the worst. I’m shocked, but I shouldn’t be.” Libby drew herself to her full height and shook her head.

“Libby,” Claire warned.

“What?” She turned to Tom. “What if she’s trying to milk you for child support?”

“She didn’t even want me to know.”

“Oh, that’s so much better.”

“Shut up, Libby,” Bryan said.
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