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The Native Races [of the Pacific states], Volume 5, Primitive History

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Hist. Gen., dec. iii., lib. iii., cap. ix.


Hist., tom. iii., pp. 55-6.


Called Chichimecas vanáceos by Carbajal Espinosa, Hist. Mex., tom. i., p. 266.


'Chaque tribu, chaque famille, souvent chaque personne avait son dieu ou ses génies particuliers à peu près comme les teraphim de Laban qu'enlevait à l'insu sa fille Rachel.' Brasseur, Hist., tom. iii., p. 61.


Beaumont, Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 48, 63.


Beltrami, Mexique, tom. ii., p. 54. The first name given to the town was Guayangareo, says Granados y Galvez, Tardes Amer., p. 184. Padre Larrea translates Tzintzuntzan, 'town of green birds,' and the town was so called, he says, from the form of the idol. Beaumont calls it also Chincila and Huitzitzilaque. Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 43, 46-7.


Also known as Chiguangua, Chiguacua, and Tzihuanga.


Also, Sintzicha Tangajuan, 'he of the fine teeth.'


Beaumont, Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 44-5, 68-9, 75. Herrera, dec. iii., lib. iii., cap. viii., translates Cazonzin by 'old sandals,' saying that the name was bestowed upon the king as a nick-name because of the shabby dress in which he appeared before Cortés. According to Alegre, Hist. Comp. de Jesus, tom. i., p. 91, Caltzontzin was the name given to Zintzicha by the Spaniards. Beltrami, Mexique, tom. ii., p. 44, writes the name Sinzincha. Torquemada, tom. i., p. 338, calls him Caczoltzin. Granados y Galvez, Tardes Amer., pp. 184-6, writes Caltzontzin or Cinzica. 'Les relations et les histoires relatives au Michoacan donnent toutes au roi des Tarasques le titre ou le nom de Cazontzin. Était-ce un titre? c'est incertain. Torquemada ne sait ce qu'il doit en penser.' Brasseur, Hist., tom. iii., p. 78. Cazonzi 'paraît être une corruption tarasque du mot nahuatl Caltzontzin, Chef ou tête de la maison.' Id., tom. iv., p. 363.


Brasseur, Hist., tom. iii., pp. 66-7, renders this passage very ambiguously. 'Ce fut en ce lieu (Patamagua Nacaraho) que les dieux, frères de Curicaneri, se séparèrent; chacun des chefs chichimèques, prenant le sien, alla se fixer au lieu que la victoire lui donna. Pour lui, continuant le cours de ses conquêtes, il chassa tour à tour le gibier sur les terres voisines, passant d'une montagne à l'autre, et jetant la terreur dans les populations d'alentour.'


'Patzcuaro veut évidemment dire le lieu de temples; cu ou cua, dans la langue tarasque, comme dans la langue yucatèque.' Brasseur, Hist., tom. iii., p. 72.


Pimentel, Cuadro, tom. i., p. 499; Beaumont, Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 61-2, quoting Basalenque, Hist. Mech., lib. i., cap. xv.


Beaumont, Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 60-61. Granados, p. 185, refers to a seven years' struggle, which may be the same as the above. The records indicate two great battles at Tajimaroa and Zichu.


Clavigero, tom. i., p. 150; Alcedo, Dicc., tom. iii., p. 461; Pimentel, Cuadro, tom. i., p. 499. See also this vol., pp. 432-5 (#Page_432). Sahagun, tom. iii., lib. x., p. 129.


Brasseur, Hist., tom. iii., pp. 51-78; Carbajal Espinosa, Hist. Mex., tom. i., pp. 264-85.


Also spelled Tzihuanga, see note 62 (#cn_821).


See this vol., pp. 477-8 (#Page_476). Beaumont says that Tlahuicol gained nothing during his six months' campaign except some booty, and he doubts whether that was much, as along the frontier there was little to be had. Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 59-60.


He bore the title of Caltzontzin. See note 63 (#cn_822). Brasseur says he was also called Gwangwa Pagua, Hist., tom. iii., p. 78.


Beaumont, Crón. Mechoacan, MS., p. 68.


Crón. Mechoacan, MS., pp. 71-3.


See vol. iii. of this work, p. 446.


For boundaries of Miztecapan, see ante, vol. i., p. 678.


See vol. i., p. 679, for boundaries.


Burgoa, Geog. Descrip. Oajaca, tom. ii., pt i., pp. 195-6; Murguia, Estadist. Guajaca, in Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, tom. vii., p. 167.


Orozco y Berra, Geografía, p. 133; Veytia, tom. i., p. 150.

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