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The Native Races [of the Pacific states], Volume 1, Wild Tribes

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Mexicanische Zustände aus den Jahren 1830-2. Stuttgart, 1837.

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Mexico, the Country, History and People. London, 1863.

Mexico in 1842. New York, 1842.

Mexico, Memoria presentada á S. M. El Emperador por el Ministro de Fomento. Mexico, 1866. 4to.

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Mill (John Stuart), Essay on Civilization.

Mill (Nicholas), History of Mexico. London, 1824.

Miller (Joaquin), Life Amongst the Modocs. London, 1873.

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Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale. Géologie, Linguistique. Paris, 1868-70. 3 vols. 4to.

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Molina (Alonso de), Vocabulario en Lengua Castellana y Mexicana. Mexico, 1571. 2 vols. 4to.

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Molina (Felipe), Memoir on the Boundary Question, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Washington, 1851.

Möllhausen (Balduin), Der Flüchtling. Leipzig, 1862. 4 vols.

Möllhausen (Balduin), Das Mormonenmädchen. Jena, 1864. 4 vols.

Möllhausen (Balduin), Reisen in die Felsengebirge Nord-Amerikas. Leipzig, 1861. 2 vols.

Möllhausen (Balduin), Tagebuch einer Reise vom Mississippi nach den Küsten der Südsee. Leipzig, 1858. 4to.

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Montanus (Arnoldus), De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld. Amsterdam, 1671. folio.

Montgomery (G. W.), Narrative of a Journey to Guatemala. New York, 1839.

Moore (Francis, Jr.), Description of Texas. New York, 1854.

Morelet (Arthur), Voyage dans l'Amérique Centrale, l'Isle de Cuba et le Yucatan. Paris, 1857. 2 vols.

Morfi (Juan Agustin de), Viage de Indios y Diario del Nuevo-México. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie iii., pt. iv.

Morineau (P. de), Notice sur la Nouvelle Californie. In Nouvelles Annales des Voy., 1834. tom. lxi.

Morrell (Benjamin), A Narrative of four Voyages to the South Sea, etc. New York, 1832.

Morse (Jedidiah), A Report on Indian Affairs. New Haven, 1822.

Morton (Samuel George), Crania Americana or a Comparative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America. Philadelphia, 1839. folio.

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Motolinia (Toribio de Benavente), Historia de los Indios de la Nueva España. In Icazbalceta, Col. de Doc., tom. i.

Mowry (Sylvester), Arizona and Sonora. New York, 1864.

Mowry (Sylvester), The Geography and Resources of Arizona and Sonora. San Francisco, 1863.

Moxó (Benito María de), Cartas Mejicanas. Genova, n.d.

Mühlenpfordt (Eduard), Versuch einer getreuen Schilderung der Republik Mejico. Hannover, 1844. 2 vols.

Mullan (John), Report on the construction of a Military Road from Walla-Walla to Fort Benton. Washington, 1863.

Müller (J. G.), Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen. Basel, 1867.

Müller (J. W. von), Beiträge zur Geschichte, etc., von Mexico. Leipzig, 1865.

Müller (J. W. von), Reisen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Canada, und Mexico. Leipzig, 1864. 3 vols.

Müller (Max), Chips from a German Workshop. New York, 1869. 2 vols.
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