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The Native Races [of the Pacific states], Volume 1, Wild Tribes

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Manzi (Pietro), Il Conquisto di Messico. Roma, 1817.

Marbois (Barbé), The History of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1830.

March y Labores (José), Historia de la Marina Real Española. Madrid, 1854. 4to. 2 vols. and atlas.

Marchand (Étienne), Voyage Autour du Monde pendant les Années 1790-92. Paris, ans vi-viii. [1798-1800.] 5 vols. and atlas.

Marcy (Randolph B.), Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana. (32d Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 64.) Washington, 1854.

Marcy (Randolph B.), The Prairie Traveler. New York, 1859.

Marcy (Randolph B.), Report of Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fé. (31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 64.) Washington, 1850.

Marcy (Randolph B.), Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. New York, 1866.

Marineo (Lucio), Sumario de la clarissima Vida y Heroicos Hechos de los Cathólicos Reyes. Toledo, 1542. 4to.

Marmier (X.), Notice sur les Indiens de la Californie. In Bryant (Ed.), Voy. en Cal.

Marmier (X.), Les Voyageurs Nouveaux. Paris, n.d. 3 vols.

Marquez (Pietro), Due Antichi Monumenti di Architettura Messicana. Roma, 1804.

Marsh (G. P.), Man and Nature. New York, 1867.

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Martin (John), An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands. London, 1818. 2 vols.

Martin (R. Montgomery), History of the British Colonies. London, 1834-5. 5 vols.

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Martyr (Peter), Decades. In Voy., a Selection, etc. London, 1812.

Martyr (Peter), Petri Martyris ab Angleria, etc., de Rebus Oceanicis et Orbe nouo decades tres. Basileae, 1533. folio.

Maurelle (Fran. Antonio), Journal of a Voyage in 1775. n.pl., n.d. 4to.

Mayer (Brantz), Memoranda upon Mexican Antiquities. In Schoolcraft's Arch., vol. vi.

Mayer (Brantz), Mexico as it was and as it is. New York, 1854.

Mayer (Brantz), Mexico. Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Hartford, 1853. 2 vols.

Mayer (Brantz), Observations on Mexican History and Archeology. (Smithsonian Contribution, No. 86.) Washington, 1856.

Mayne (R. C.), Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. London, 1862.

Meares (John), Voyages made in the years 1788-9. London, 1790. 4to.

Medina (Balthassar de), Chrónica de la Santa Provincia de San Diego de Mexico. Mexico, 1682. folio.

Mélanges Russes Tirés du Bulletin Historico-Philologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St Pétersbourg. St Pétersbourg, 1858.

Meletta, Pah-Utah Vocabulary. MS.

Meline (James F.), Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. New York, 1867.

Mendez (Modesto), Bericht über eine Untersuchungs-Expedition nach den Ruinen der alten Stadt Tikal. In Sivers, Mittelamerika.

Mendieta (Gerónimo de), Historia Eclesiástica Indiana. Mexico, 1870.

Mendoza (Joan Gonzalez de), Historia de las Cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres del Gran Reyno de la China. Anvers, 1596.

Mengarini (Gregory), A Selish or Flathead Grammar. (Shea's Linguistics, No. 2.) New York, 1861.

Menonville (Thierry de), Reise nach Guaxaca. Leipzig, 1789.

Mercator (Gerardus), Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes. Dvisbvrgi, 1594. folio.

Mexican Picture-Writings. Fac-similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, in Kingsborough's Mex. Antiq., as follows:

Codex Berlin, Fac-similes of Original Mexican Paintings deposited in the Royal Library of Berlin by the Baron de Humboldt. vol. ii.

Codex Bodleian, Fac-similes, in Bodleian Library at Oxford. (Nos. 2858, 3135, 3207, 546.) vols. i. ii.

Codex Bologna, Fac-simile, Library of the Institute. vol. ii.

Codex Borgian, Fac-simile, Borgian Museum, Rome. vol. iii.

Codex Boturini, Fac-simile, Collection of Boturini. vol. i.

Codex Dresden, Fac-simile, Royal Library. vol. iii.

Codex Fejérvary, Fac-simile, in possession of M. F – . vol. iii.

Codex Mendoza, Copy of the Collection of Mendoza. vol. i. Explicacion de la Coleccion, vol. v. Interpretion of the Collection, vol. vi.

Codex Telleriano-Remensis, Copy, in Royal Library at Paris. vol. i. Explicacion, vol. v. Explanation, vol. vi.

Codex Vaticanus, Copy, Library of the Vatican, Rome. vols. ii. iii. Spiegazione delle Tavole, vol. v. Translation, vol. vi.

Codex Vienna, Fac-simile, Imperial Library. vol. ii.

Mexican Sculpture, Specimens preserved in the British Museum. In Kingsborough's Mex. Antiq., vol. iv.
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