Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx
Friedrich Schiller
Friedrich Schiller
Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx
ALTOUM, Khan of the Celestial Empire.
PANTALOON, his Prime Minister.
TARTAGLIA, Lord Chancellor.
TRUFFALDIN, Keeper of the Hareem.
BRIGHELLA, Captain of the Imperial Black Guards.
KALAF, Prince of Tartary.
BARAK, his former Tutor.
Courtiers, Guards, Priests, Slaves of the Hareem
TURANDOT, Heiress to the Celestial throne: generally known as "The Chinese Sphinx."
SKIRINA, her attendant, wife to Barak.
ADELMA, Princess of Keicobad, slave to Turandot.
Female slaves of the Hareem
SCENE. —Peking and its environs
SCENE. – Outskirts of Peking. L. View of town gate, above which are reared long poles, bearing turbaned and shorn heads, symmetrically disposed so as to form a kind of architectural ornament. R. Small suburban dwellings, from one of which issues PRINCE KALAF, dressed in a fantastic Tartar warrior's costume
The Gods be thanked, at last by patient seeking,
I've found a lodging in this crowded Peking.
(Enter BARAK, in Persian costume; sees KALAF and starts, surprised.)
Prince Kalaf? 'tis not possible. He's dead!
Yet, sure 'tis he – his eyes – his legs – his head, —
My Lord!
What – Barak! here – alive?
And kicking.
But how escaped you from that fatal licking
The Bey of Tefflis gave us all in battle?
Your father's troops were slaughtered off like cattle,
And you, my Prince, we thought, were slain or taken;
So off I fled to save, at least, my bacon.
I found a refuge in this queer old city;
A widow married me for love – or pity.
We live like happy doves in yonder cot, —
My only grief, – the thought of your sad lot.
We never thought to meet again, dear Tutor, —
In China too!
For years I've taken root here.
But, dearest Prince, how was it, tell me, pray,
You 'scaped the perils of that dreadful day?
Breathe not my name! A price is on my head;
I've roamed from land to land; have toiled for bread.
As slave I served the Shah of Keicobad;
This King a fair and gracious daughter had,
Who guessed my birth, and offered me her heart.
Her haughty father bade me quick depart;
With horse and arms he furnished me. I'm here
T' enlist myself as Chinese volunteer;
I hope to serve the Son of Moon and Stars
In some crack regiment of Light Hussars.
But what's the meaning of the crowds that flood
Each caravanserah? Refused I stood
By all, till in yon house I found, at least
Accommodation for myself and beast.