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Role Play

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‘No — well, only since Mary’s mastectomy. I’ve spent a lot of time with both of them since. Why?’

She shrugged. ‘Just wondered. You kissed her.’

His mouth quirked. ‘Jealous, Abbie? The offer’s still open.’

So they were back to that, were they? ‘Of course I’m not jealous. It just seemed — odd, that’s all.’

He shook his head. ‘I don’t find it odd to greet people with physical contact. I’m a toucher, Abbie …’

His hand was resting lightly on the small of her back as he spoke. She stepped away.

‘I’d noticed,’ she said shortly.

‘Whereas you — you’re a buttoned-up little virgin.’

‘I am not!’ she denied hotly, acutely uncomfortable with the sudden shift in the direction of the conversation, and he laughed, a low, smoky laugh that did incredible things to her system.

‘Well, then, all I can say is that whoever you’ve had affairs with didn’t even get close to the real you.’

Abbie made no attempt to correct him. What was the point? He was so absolutely right.

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_89b561e6-2d4b-57b4-9978-83948a3eb8a3)

AS THE days passed, so Abbie’s disordered impressions of life in general practice settled down to a sort of pattern.

Peter Sargent, she realised, was the sort to skate through life with cheerful inefficiency, constantly chivvied by the secretarial staff who were quite unmoved by his ingenuous charm.

She discovered that Ravi Patel was single, thirty-four and after Leo, who did precious little to discourage her despite his protestations to the contrary.

As for Leo himself, he was thirty-two and a constant thorn in her side, rattling through his patients at twice the speed of light so that by the time she finally emerged exhausted but triumphant at the end of her surgeries he was long gone on his visits and she was unable to ask him the inevitable string of questions that the consultations had generated.

‘Well, you shouldn’t dawdle about for so long,’ he would tell her, and then would sit and rip through the seemingly knotty problems, so that she felt a complete fool for not having seen the answers herself.

Not that he ever tried to belittle her medical knowledge. He didn’t have to. Frankly, she was more than aware of the glaring lapses in her understanding of certain conditions.

As for the paperwork, it defeated her utterly, to the point that when the receptionist told her she should fill in her PC4 she asked where she could find it, much to everyone’s amusement.

Leo, not even trying to disguise his mirth, explained cheerfully that a PC4 was a course of four tablets taken as post-coital contraception — hence the name.

Peggy Taylor, the practice manager, took pity on her and told the others off, but it did little to dilute Abbie’s humiliation.

It wasn’t that she minded being teased — lord, she was used to that. She had two brothers who had taken it as their filial duty to torment the life out of her in her childhood, until, in her teens, she’d suddenly changed into the object of their friends’ lascivious attention. Then they’d closed ranks protectively, but even so they still teased her gently to this day.

So it wasn’t being teased that troubled her, rather the glaring gaps in her knowledge that the teasing had exposed.

Leo found her later sitting in her surgery surrounded by a heap of textbooks, and came and hitched a lean hip up on to the corner of her desk.

‘Boning up on methods of contraception, Abbie?’ he teased.

She ignored him huffily.

‘Tut-tut,’ he admonished. ‘Wallowing in self-pity?’

‘Oh, go to hell,’ she muttered, her voice clogged.

He stuck a finger under her chin and tipped her head up, studying her face intently. She turned away, embarrassed that he should see the traces of tears on her cheeks.

‘Leave me alone.’

He stood up, but instead of walking away he came round her desk, pulled her to her feet and wrapped his long arms round her.

At first she was stunned into immobility, but after a few seconds she gave in to the luxury of his undemanding embrace, dropping her head forward into the hollow of his shoulder and sighing shakily.

His hand came up and smoothed her hair.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said softly. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I’m sure Jackie didn’t.’

‘It’s not that,’ she mumbled into his shirt. ‘I just feel so inadequate. I should have known what a PC4 was.’

‘Probably,’ he agreed, ‘but nobody’s perfect. Stop torturing yourself.’

She lifted her head and looked up into his eyes. ‘But what if it’s something important? Something life-threatening, and I don’t know about it? I could kill someone!’

‘Do you really think you’re that bad?’ he asked quietly. ‘Do you really think you would have got so far in medicine if you were a danger to your patients?’

She gave a shaky laugh. ‘Perhaps I just scraped through — perhaps it was all a fluke. Maybe I just got the examiners on a good day. Who knows?’

Leo sighed. ‘You really don’t have a very high opinion of yourself, do you?’

Numbly, she shook her head. ‘There’s so much to know, and I always feel I’m fumbling in the dark. It terrifies me, Leo, knowing I’m responsible for whether somebody lives or dies.’

He chuckled. ‘In general practice? In the average week the most drastic thing you’re likely to come across is a nasty case of piles.’

She giggled despite herself. ‘You know what I mean. What if I miss something? What if someone dies because of my ignorance?’

‘You can always ask,’ he assured her. ‘Peter or Ravi or me — any of us. Don’t feel you have to cope alone.’

‘What about when you’ve all gone and I’m still here trying to get to grips with this stupid machine?’ She flicked a contemptuous glance at the computer, and Leo laughed.

‘Does it still hate you?’

‘Does it ever,’ she grumbled.

‘You need a break — have supper with me tonight.’

She realised she was still standing in his arms, although she wasn’t crushed up against him any more, but she might just as well have been because she could feel the warmth of his body, could remember the feel of it, long and hard and lean, all sleek, solid muscle and sinew, terrifyingly, overwhelming male.

She stepped back a little further. ‘I don’t think that would be a good idea,’ she said as firmly as she could manage.
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