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I believe in miracles!

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I believe in miracles!
Angel Wight

Книга “Я верю в чудеса!” была написана за три дня. Разве это не настоящее чудо?! 13-дневная практика откроет для вас удивительный мир чудес и поможет превратить жизнь в настоящую сказку. Хотите, чтобы чудо вошло в вашу жизнь? Тогда не просто читайте эту книгу, а применяйте на практике собранные в ней советы и рекомендации. Только таким образом вы сможете ощутить реальные перемены в своей жизни.

I believe in miracles!

Angel Wight

Translator Malcolm Kerr

© Angel Wight, 2018

© Malcolm Kerr, translation, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-9688-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

I am grateful to Malkolm Kerr. It was very special working together with you Malkolm. Thank you so much. I will always remember it. I know this year was a very important time for you. I wish you happiness for the future.

My magical calendar

Everything you need for entire year!

Today is the best day!

Today is "___" ___________________ 20 _____

My magical time

A wonderful life

The first day of miracles

The second day of miracles

The third day of miracles

The fourth day of miracles

The fifth day of miracles

The sixth day of miracles

The seventh day of miracles

The eighth day of miracles

The ninth day of miracles

The tenth day of miracles

The eleventh day of miracles

The twelfth day of miracles

The thirteenth day of miracles

13 days of miracles

The first day of miracles

The first day of miracles is the day of creation. The purpose of this day is for you to become the creator of your life!

What do we do? We express the intention to live these 12 days miraculously.

It is best if you write down your message on a small scroll and keep it for the entire period. This will allow the Universe to declare its intention and create the necessary space to attract miracles into your life. It is necessary to indicate your name, briefly formulate your request and do not forget to specify the dates.

Your appeal may look something like this:

«I, (name), ask from… to … (period of time) to prepare a space for the manifestation of miracles.»

The main task is to feel yourself part of the universe. If you really want to create something, then trust your Higher Self, because it knows a lot more about what really can bring you joy and happiness than you yourself. Let this be the creation of your Higher Self, for your Higher Self is a part of you that embraces all dimensions of reality.

The second day of miracles

The second day of miracles is the day of support.

So, yesterday you launched a period of miracles and expressed your intention. Now you need to call your support group so that your heavenly patrons will prepare events and situations for you. Trust your guardian angels, who, with care and love, will lead you to the most harmonious outcome and take care that the chain of events develop in the most harmonious way for you. The task of this day is to create around itself a space for transformation.

What do we do? We appeal for support to the higher forces and ask them to create an environment for changes for the better in your chosen sphere. We ask them to prepare for you situations that will change your life for the better. Trust in the universe, your Higher Self. Your heavenly protectors will help you.

Get the support of friends if they understand what you are doing. It’s always great when there are like-minded people around you. However, you decide whether or not to tell your friends about this practice. But remember that you need support, not condemnation, from others. Therefore, it may be better to keep everything secret until the end of the practice. At first, make sure of its effectiveness from your own experience, and then share it with your friends if you wish.

The third day of miracles

The third day of miracles is the day of plans and creativity. In order for the Universe to understand that your intentions are serious, it is best to express your desire through what you do best. You can write poetry, write novels, sing songs, embroider a cross or draw. Basically, you are doing a favourite hobby.

What do we do? For the next 7 days we are planning a small project that will express your desire. But immediately I want to note the difference between a dream and a desire. Desire is usually something tangible. Becoming its owner, a person usually experiences short-term joy, although, more often, there is a disappointment. We all want to satisfy simple, human needs: to live well or to eat, and this is normal. A dream is what our soul seeks. This is our task, our mission, mission, which is one reason why we came into this world. It's what makes a person truly happy. Therefore, the purpose of this day is concentrate on our conscious desires. For this purpose, you need to find something, which is imaginative and inspirational.

It is very important to understand that your task in this practice is not to make a wish, but to trust the universe. That is, you need to start interacting with your subconscious and try to turn off your active thoughts. This state may remind us a little of our dreams, in which we often experience a fantasy world. At such moments, brain activity usually weakens and the person ceases to be in control for his thoughts. The work actively turns on the subconscious. Your task now is simply to fix what comes to you, watching everything objectively.

The fourth day of miracles

The fourth day of miracles is the day of joy. (First, joy then everything else!) The purpose of this day is to acquire spiritual forces. To do this, you need and understanding of your soul. It’s time to start a new bright life and it is best with the practice of purification. You need to relieve the burden of problems and get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. It may be a beautiful day for general cleaning. Make your order not only in the house, but in your soul. Even if you forget about your grievances, they are hanging invisibly in your heart, occupying a place that should be filled with joy and happiness.

Do not concentrate on the negative. Rather, be positive and leave in your soul only bright memories of the past. For miracles to enter your life, you need to find a place for them. Let go of all your old experiences. Stop being angry and afraid. Do not give way to negative emotions. The universe will help you to do this. It’s time to turn the pages of the past. Let go of everything old. Free space for happiness and move towards a new qualitatively of life. The time of wonderful changes in your life can begin!

The fifth day of miracles
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