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Conveniently Wed

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Tucker had been leaning back with one leg crossing the opposite knee before the food arrived. He’d pulled his chair closer to the table as the waitress retreated behind the still-swinging door. His hands held the edges of his chair. Looking up, he met Daisy’s gaze and saw her intent. Unfamiliar with his new family’s mealtime expectations, the cowboy turned to each boy and took the offered hand.

“Will you give thanks, Tucker?” Daisy asked.

“Hmm-hmm.” Tucker cleared his throat. He wasn’t accustomed to praying aloud. “Dear, Lord. Thank You for this bountiful supper. We thank You for Your protection and guidance. Help us all to follow You in everything we do and to be good examples of Your love. Amen.”

“Amen,” Daisy said with the boys before they all tucked into the delicious food.

“This is a fine supper. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” Tucker put a bite of bread in his mouth.

Daisy agreed with him. “The roast is so tender. I would never have had time to cook something this nice for us tonight. Not starting so late in the day.”

He was glad to see her enjoying the meal and kept the conversation away from anything that would spoil it for her.

Careful of Daisy’s admonishment to mind their manners, the boys didn’t talk because they were too busy eating. Only after John finished the meal and put his fork down, did he speak.

“That was good!”

“I really liked it, too. But I like Momma’s best.” James joined the conversation.

“That’s very sweet of you, James. Thank you. It was a fine supper.” Daisy took her napkin from her lap and folded it neatly before laying it on the table. “Now let’s go see what we need from the general store before we head back home.” She moved to push her chair back.

“We haven’t had dessert yet.” Tucker had watched her speech and knew she was trying to set the agenda again. He knew she liked to know all the details beforehand, but he wanted to surprise her.

“Dessert?” two boys chimed in unison.

“Cake, actually.” Tucker caught the attention of the waitress by lifting one hand.

“Yes, sir? Are you ready now?” she asked as she approached the table.

“I believe we are. Thank you.”

The waitress cleared away their plates and disappeared into the kitchen.

Tucker watched Daisy as the door opened again, and the girl turned toward their table.

“It’s the most beautiful cake I’ve ever seen.” Smooth white icing with intricate layers of piping created a look of lace. “I’ve heard of the hotel’s reputation for great desserts, but never seen one.” Her face glowed with admiration for the unexpected treat.

“Would you like me to serve you, or would you prefer to cut it, ma’am?” the waitress asked while setting dessert plates on the table.

“I think we can manage, thank you.” Daisy reached for the knife and hesitated. The waitress left them. The boys were wide-eyed at the cake. Tucker sat leaning back with his arms folded across his chest, smiling.

“You did this,” she accused. “How?”

“I confess. I stopped in on my way through town and asked about a special dessert before I went to your place to propose. I thought it would make a nice ending to the day.” He was pleased by their reactions.

“What if I’d said ‘no’?” Daisy pointed the knife at him teasingly.

“Oh, I thought you’d come around to your papa’s way of seeing things.” He couldn’t stop the grin that pulled at the corners of his mouth.

“I see,” Daisy said before slicing a substantial slab of cake. “We’ll just have to see about how well you can predict my thinking in the future.” He heard the taunting tone in her statement as she passed a dessert plate to him.

Tucker smiled. “I fully expect to be challenged on a regular basis. And I expect to rise to the occasion.” Using the side of his fork, he cut off a large bite of cake and paused before putting it in his mouth. “Don’t forget I’ve known you for a long time. I know a lot about how you can be.” His smile almost became a smirk, effectively returning her challenge and making her smile.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She cut practically identical pieces of cake for the boys. Tucker imagined equality was the only road to peace between them.

Daisy served herself, and Tucker watched her savor the sweet dessert with all the fervor of the twins. While they ate, he remembered how he’d once hoped for a strong and healthy marriage with this beautiful woman. If she’d been older, he would have told her how he felt. Before she had ever met Murdock. Now he knew that even after she had time to grieve the loss of her first husband, Murdock would always be her one true love.

Falling for Daisy all those years ago was the last time he’d risked trying to find lasting love. As a boy, he’d seen his mother never recover from the loss of his father. He also watched Daisy’s father choose to live alone after losing his wife. He wouldn’t let himself dwell on how he’d learned firsthand the power of someone’s first love. Rejection was hard to live with. It was harder to leave behind. He vowed never to put himself in that position again. He would be Daisy’s friend—but nothing more.

Chapter Three (#ulink_fe26e732-d785-58e7-a04b-f6a1315e87b7)

Daisy held the edge of the seat as Tucker pulled the reins and stopped the wagon in front of the general store. James and John leaped to the dirt and assisted their mother from the wagon.

“Good job, boys. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve taken care of a few errands.” To Daisy he said, “Get whatever you need. I’ll stop in and settle up when I get back.” Tucker signaled Mack, and the wagon lurched forward.

James and John each grabbed one of Daisy’s hands and tried to pull her into the store. “Come on, Momma. We can help you shop. Mr. Tucker says we’re good shoppers. He says we got good taste.” James rattled away as usual.

Daisy resisted their pull long enough to see her wagon turn right at the corner. Tucker could be going almost anywhere. Pine Haven consisted of two intersecting streets lined with businesses that served the small, growing community. Pine Haven Church sat at the opposite end of the street Tucker had turned on, and the livery was at the other end. The general store was just shy of the main crossroads.

Standing on the porch of the general store, Daisy wondered what business Tucker could be conducting. He’d turned in the direction of the bank and the lumber mill. There was also a post office and a blacksmith in that area. Or could he be going to the livery? He’d mentioned wanting to purchase horses. They hadn’t discussed money yet. Daisy hoped he wasn’t going to take on too much without at least talking to her. She’d always known what Murdock was doing with their money. Was Tucker a man who considered their money to be his money? Did he think a woman should leave matters of business to the man? Murdock had taught Daisy how to keep the financial records for their cotton crop. She was well versed in the costs of farming, how to balance the funds to make it from one harvest to the next and how to survive lean times.

Feeling a tug on each hand, Daisy followed James and John into the store, still thinking about Tucker’s errands. For all their past friendship, there was a lot Daisy didn’t know about the man who was now her husband.

* * *

Tucker opened the door of the sheriff’s office and stepped into the dank atmosphere. The two small cells on the back wall each had a tiny window lined with bars to prevent escape. Minimal light came through the dirty front window. The smell of gun oil and dust assailed his nostrils. A man sporting a heavy mustache and several days’ growth of beard dozed behind the massive wooden desk. The tarnished star on his vest was the only clue the unkempt man was indeed the sheriff. He was of an indiscernible age somewhere between thirty and fifty. The chair creaked under his weight as he shook himself and lowered the front legs to the floor at Tucker’s appearance.

“Sheriff Collins?” Tucker extended his hand. “I’m Tucker Barlow.”

The sheriff fumbled to his feet and squinted at Tucker from beneath scraggly eyebrows. “What can I do for ya?” His face remained wrinkled as he stirred himself from sleep.

“I’m new in town. Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I married Daisy Mosley earlier today. I understand you’ve been searching for the men who killed her first husband.”

“Yep.” Sheriff Collins sat back in his chair. “Wanna sit? Sorry you caught me nappin’. I’ve been up late most nights trying to keep an eye on things in case those thieves head back this way.”

Tucker took the offered seat. “Have you had any success?”

“Not much to go on. The sheriffs from the counties around us haven’t been able to help me, either. Nobody’s seen nothin’. I sent out flyers and telegraphed everybody I figured would know something. Even got the Rangers lookin’ into it for us. Only know more horses were taken from a county south of here. Owners weren’t home so nobody got hurt.”

“What about clues from the Mosley farm? Did they leave any signs of who they were?”

“We know for sure there’s two of ’em. Know that from the horseshoe prints they left. Murdock’s horses was shoed here in town. Blacksmith here knew which marks was from Murdock’s horses and which ones wasn’t. Tracked ’em to the creek at the edge of the property, but lost ’em. They knew to get in the water and ride. Smart thieves, too. Murdock had some good horseflesh. I want you to know we’ve done all we could. It’s hard when nobody saw or heard what happened. The little missus was in town with her boys.”

“Will you let us know if you hear anything? I’d like to see these men brought to justice. I hate to think of them hurting other people like they did the Mosley family.” Tucker stood and put his hat back on his head.

“I’ll sure do it, Mr. Barlow. You take care out there. Don’t like them fellas being on the loose myself.” Sheriff Collins leaned the chair back and propped his feet on the desk again. “I been especially worried ’bout the missus and those cute little boys. Didn’t want no more harm to come to ’em.”

“I’ll be protecting them now. By the good Lord’s help, we’ll be fine.”
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