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Conveniently Wed

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Looking from one to the other she addressed all three at once. “Well, I see you had a successful trip to the general store. Now it’s time for us to go to the church.”

Everyone made their way to the front door and down the steps to walk toward the church. Daisy looped her arm in Tucker’s, easing back into the friendship they’d shared for years. In a voice for his ears only, she leaned in and said, “When I said they could have a treat, I meant something like a piece of candy or fruit. I don’t know how you thought we could afford something like that.”

“Oh, they got candy, too.”

Daisy looked ahead to see both boys pulling a handful of candy from their pockets to compare.

“In the future we need to talk about things like this before they happen. And why are they calling you Mr. Tucker?” Daisy almost sounded as if she was scolding Tucker.

Leaning closer to her, without losing his grin, Tucker spoke. “There are a lot of things we’ll talk about in the future, but buying those hats was my decision, and I stand by it. And they’re calling me Mr. Tucker because I prefer it to Mr. Barlow. We’re going to be family in just a few minutes.”

“Well...” she interrupted.

He held up his free hand. “Well, nothing. You said you wanted us to stay focused on the events of today. We’ll talk about other things later, but right now...” Tucker gestured to the door of the small church that John held open for them. The others had walked ahead and were already inside. “Right now, we’re going to a wedding. And I think we both need to concentrate on that.” His fingers brushed the length of her jawline, and he smiled.

Daisy drew in a breath to calm herself. “Okay. I’ll focus.” She lifted her skirt just enough to keep from stepping on it as she climbed the steps. “But we have a lot to talk about, Tucker. And we will talk about it.” She dropped her hem and smoothed her skirt as they passed through the doorway.

“I’m sure we will, Daisy.” Tucker removed his hat and handed it to John for safekeeping during the ceremony. “I’m sure we will.” He offered her his hand, and they proceeded up the aisle.

Daisy stood beside Tucker at the altar of Pine Haven Church. She took advantage of the opportunity to study him in what must be his best shirt and trousers. The red hair had been tamed with a fresh combing. He was every inch a man—and a tall one at that. He stood a good foot taller than she did with strong shoulders and a broad chest. His boots wore a fresh shine.

James and John sat on the first bench, watching as Reverend Dismuke performed the wedding ceremony, their new hats carefully resting beside them, Tucker’s much larger hat on John’s farside. They giggled a little at first, but Tucker silenced them with a look. Daisy was surprised by how quickly he’d taken command of the boys’ behavior. She’d been prone to leniency since their father’s death. Truly things were changing today. Daisy would do her best to keep the changes at a manageable pace. The twins would need time to adjust to Tucker’s authority.

Reverend Dismuke went through the vows with great reverence, explaining the weight of the commitment of the marriage ceremony in the eyes of God.

“Tucker, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”

Tucker looked at her and answered, “I will.”

Daisy, in turn, promised herself to him. With each word spoken a heaviness settled on her soul. She knew she had no choice—knew she was doing the right thing. But could she find the inner strength to build a relationship with an old friend into a marriage? Her first husband had captivated her fancy, and she’d fallen deeply in love with him. Now she stood in her church before God and witnesses and pledged to give Tucker the same commitment she’d shared with Murdock. Tucker had been a dear friend. But her husband? Never had the thought crossed her mind. Daisy was surprised by how quickly the ceremony progressed. Before she realized it the reverend asked if there was a ring. Something she hadn’t thought about.

“Oh, we don’t—” Daisy shook her head, only to be stunned into silence when Tucker pulled a ring from his shirt pocket and handed it to the preacher.

“Let us pray.” Reverend Dismuke bowed his head and spoke. “Loving God, we ask You to bless this union. Help Tucker and Daisy to grow together as husband and wife. Build a strong bond between these two souls.” Daisy felt the heat rush to her face and prayed her own prayer that she hadn’t blushed as deeply as she felt. “God help these two fine young men, James and John, to bring You honor by the way they respect their momma and their new papa.” The boys both opened their eyes at this point. “And most of all, God, we thank You for bringing these folks together as a family. May they live, as this ring represents, an endless circle of love that shines with beauty and strength. Amen.”

“Amen.” Tucker and Daisy spoke softly in unison. James and John sat in silence. Peggy wiped a tear away with her handkerchief.

Reverend Dismuke returned the ring to Tucker, who reached for Daisy’s hand. She stared at him, unbelieving, as he slipped the delicate ring on her finger. Intricately carved leaves and vines wrapped around the gold band. Tucker repeated after the minister, “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.”

Reverend Dismuke finalized their commitment by saying, “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Tucker looked to Daisy, asking permission with his eyes. Feeling it would be unfair to deny Tucker this right after all he was sacrificing for her and her children, Daisy nodded her assent with the slightest tip of her head, lowered her gaze and waited. He gently took her face in his large hands and tenderly brushed a kiss across her cheek. She opened her eyes wide and thanked him from her soul without speaking a word. His smile acknowledged his understanding of her gratitude.

As the small group left the church, Reverend Dismuke pulled Tucker and Daisy aside. “Sheriff Collins has been trying to find the men who killed Murdock. He sent word of the killing to sheriffs in the neighboring counties. I’m sure he’d be glad to meet you, Tucker. He’s been concerned for the safety of your wife and the boys.”

“Thanks,” Tucker said. “I’ll stop by his office and introduce myself.”

“He’s a bit rough around the edges, but I think he’s doing all he can.”

“I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to help him.” Tucker settled his hat back on his head. “Right now, though, I’m going to take my new family to supper. Thanks, Reverend, for your time today.”

Tucker’s words rang in her head as she walked with him to the wagon. They were a family on their way to supper. Only they weren’t an ordinary family. Nothing about this day had been ordinary.

* * *

“Boys, put your hats on the rack here by the door.” Daisy noticed Tucker hung his hat up high so the twins could use the lower pegs.

“Are we really gonna eat in the hotel, Momma?” the ever-curious James wanted to know.

“She already said so, James.” John was losing patience with his brother today.

“Yes, we’re eating here. I want both of you on your best behavior,” Daisy admonished as she pulled her gloves off and tucked them into her reticule. “Papa Warren is giving us this wedding supper as a gift. I want everyone to enjoy it. So mind your manners.”

The hostess escorted them to a table set with linen and glassware. The smell of freshly baked bread filled the room.

Tucker held a chair for Daisy, signaling the twins to wait until their mother sat. When they were all seated, a young girl wearing a starched white apron over a simple brown dress offered them menus.

Daisy skimmed the choices before looking to Tucker. “Roast beef for everyone? With creamed potatoes and carrots and some of that delicious-smelling bread?”

“Sounds wonderful to me.” Tucker closed his menu. “I think this is just the kind of place your papa had in mind for our wedding supper.”

“I wish he could be here.” Daisy’s heart ached for the comfort of her father’s love. She sniffed and straightened in her chair, neatly folding her hands in her lap. Her voice went up just a notch in tone, but not volume. “But that’s not possible, so we’ll make the most of the occasion he’s provided for us. I’ll write him a letter tonight and tell him how much we appreciate his gift.” Her head was still spinning with the knowledge that she was married again. Table conversation was a great effort, but she did want to honor her father by enjoying this meal. It was a great luxury that wouldn’t likely come their way again soon.

“I’m sure he would like to know things have worked out like he hoped. Let’s send him a telegraph on the way home. Then you can write a letter with all the details, and we can post it the next time we’re in town,” Tucker suggested.

“That’s a fine idea. Then he’ll know everything is settled, and the boys and I are safe,” Daisy agreed.

The boys grew fidgety at the table, most likely in response to all the candy they’d managed to eat by sneaking pieces whenever they thought no one was looking. Now they both had empty pockets.

“Stop kicking me.” John sent James a glare.

“I’m not kicking you.” James spoke just a little louder than John.

“That’s enough.” Tucker’s voice was even, but serious. “James, stop swinging your legs under the table. John sit up straight in your chair, and you won’t be close enough for James to accidentally kick you.” The twins immediately obeyed, looking to Daisy as their eyes worked to conceal their displeasure at his command.

Daisy was again taken aback when Tucker corrected James and John. Murdock had always left the day-to-day manners and attitudes for her to deal with. She wasn’t accustomed to someone taking over her responsibilities, and she was certain she didn’t like it.

Tucker spoke again before she could decide how to address the matter with him. “I need to take care of some business before we leave town.” The young waitress approached and filled his glass with tea. “If you need anything from the general store, I can drop you there, and you can shop. I’ll pick you up when I’m finished.” The waitress circled the table to serve the boys and Daisy before leaving.

“What kind of business can you possibly have? You just arrived today,” Daisy said, picking up her glass. James had inherited his curiosity from his mother. She’d always had a deep-seated desire to know everything that was going on around her at all times. Constant observation and well-placed questions kept her from feeling uninformed. She never liked to be caught unaware.

“Just some business matters I need to handle.” Tucker answered vaguely. “I won’t be long.”

The door to the kitchen swung open as the waitress backed through it carrying a large round tray with their food. James and John sat up eagerly to watch each plate be set on the fancy table. Daisy had instructed them on the flatware, but she knew they’d be hard-pressed to muzzle their excitement over this new experience. The waitress left after placing a large basket of bread in the center of the table next to a silver dish of fresh butter.

Daisy leaned forward and reached across the corners of the square table to take the twins by the hand. They looked at one another and then at her. She raised her eyebrows toward Tucker before they reluctantly reached their other hands to him. This was the kind of reluctance she expected from her sons today. It was a wonder they’d been as agreeable as they had for much of the day. Accepting a new hat from an old friend of hers was one thing. It was another thing entirely to include the same friend in their family traditions—like prayer over a meal.

* * *
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